I need to lock myself out of the web!
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2013/8/25
    With all the good work going on with Wayfarer, it seems somewhat churlish to be asking for help on this.

    But - as a long-term internet user (25+ years) I've managed to build up my web/internet addiction to pretty debilitating levels. I've had some success with living in places without internet - this has been wonderful and I start to feel like i'm getting my life/brain back. No smart phones too, of course.

    BUT - currently - it would be good to use the web for a few sites, on an occassional basis. White-listing sites might be a big ask - at least in a way that isn't easily circumventable. But black-listing sites seems easier as we can use the hosts file from Settings to do just that. Of course, with that alone it wouldn't be long before I just go in, delete the host list and numb out on a 48-hour Youtube binge.

    So, is there a way to password lock settings? I could create a long random password - print it out - lock it away somewhere - make it hard to access - and force myself to keep the hosts file. My cursory explorations suggest this can't be done, although I wondered if the multi-user functionality might provide a way? Or is there any other way this might be done? The dream would be insurmountable whitelisting.

    Any help appreciated!


    [ Edited by Ginger1 09.07.2021 - 20:00 ]
  • »09.07.21 - 19:52
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    You could create a Kryptos volume and either put Wayfarer on it or softlink the settings folder to the TrueCrypt volume. Good luck :)
  • »09.07.21 - 20:15
    Profile Visit Website
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2013/8/25
    Thank you Jacadcaps. Useful ideas.

    With the Kryptos-volume-and-Wayfarer-in-it , I can see myself finding a good reason to unlock it and then never resetting the machine until I've "enjoyed" a full binge.

    The softlink idea sounds like a good one too. I can see how I could make a softlink to the settings folder - and lock that away (specifically TrueCrypt here or is that a synonym for Kryptos?) - but couldn't I just open the actual settings and edit it there?

    Also - is the Settings folder the Prefs directory in SYS: ?

    And thanks for the luck :)
  • »09.07.21 - 20:39
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2013/8/25
    Some progress...

    I've worked out (with a little help from a website or two) how to whitelist and blacklist sites just with the hosts file (whitelist with actual IP / domain name; blacklist with / top level domain). I've found a long list of top level domains which I've copied into hosts (SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys/net/hosts/) - each point to and the TLD as e.g. .COM

    Here's a snippet: .ac .academy .accenture .accountant .accountants

    This all looks present and correct in Hosts under Settings too.

    I've whitelisted a couple of sites too, PINGing them to get their IP.


    Only problem is - doesn't seem to make any difference in OWB. All the sites are loading happily as normal. Tried resetting etc. Also tried instead of Hmmm. What am I doing wrong?
  • »09.07.21 - 21:34
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway
    If your router have the option for whitelisting url's it might be easier to start there.
  • »10.07.21 - 10:21
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2013/8/25

    amyren wrote:
    If your router have the option for whitelisting url's it might be easier to start there.

    Good idea too. Only problem with that is that I share the internet connection with others, and they might be a bit miffed when Youtube is suddenly barred.

    Feel like an alcoholic, forced to live in a pub, trying to stay sober. With everyone and everything around screaming "DRINK THIS AMAZING BEER YOU LOSER!!!!"
  • »10.07.21 - 14:03
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway

    Ginger1 wrote:

    amyren wrote:
    If your router have the option for whitelisting url's it might be easier to start there.

    Good idea too. Only problem with that is that I share the internet connection with others, and they might be a bit miffed when Youtube is suddenly barred.

    You could of course also add another router behind the main one, and make sure all your connections go through it.


    Ginger1 wrote:
    Feel like an alcoholic, forced to live in a pub, trying to stay sober. With everyone and everything around screaming "DRINK THIS AMAZING BEER YOU LOSER!!!!"

    At least you have the self-awareness to try to do something about it. I suspect many have that issue without admitting it is a problem.
  • »10.07.21 - 16:26
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2013/8/25

    You could of course also add another router behind the main one, and make sure all your connections go through it.

    Ah! That's a great idea. I could IP bar my devices on the main one - and only connect to the second one, with the whitelisted sites. And get rid of all ethernet cables. Will give this some serious thought.


    At least you have the self-awareness to try to do something about it. I suspect many have that issue without admitting it is a problem.

    Yes, I suppose so. I sometimes think I might be a bit ahead of the curve on internet addiction, having been in it from my Amiga 1200 days in the mid-nineties - and as time goes on a lot more people will realise there are dangers. And I'm lucky to know how pre-internet life used to be - that it's even possible!

    Thanks for the help and advice.
  • »10.07.21 - 19:50