Remote desktop to MorphOS?
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 84 from 2003/7/10
    From: Durham, NC USA
    Is there anyway to remote desktop into my MorphOS machine? I would like to be able to get into it from my main Windows 10 computer. Would be nice to just have it running somewhere and be able to view the MorphOS desktop on my main machine without it taking up desk space.
    17" Powerbook. MorphOS registered
    Hear my music here: Gordon Gallant
    And here: Kattalax
  • »24.03.21 - 12:03
  • K-L
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 45 from 2020/11/17
    From: Lyon, France
    Careful : VNC Server on MorphOS is CPU hungry :-(
    PowerMac G5 2,7 Ghz / Radeon 9650 / MorphOS 3.15
    AmigaOne X1000 (unused ATM)
  • »26.03.21 - 10:28
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3146 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Sure is. Switching to the Virtual monitor driver should help though since that one, while not doing any hw accelerated blits, is keeping everything in ram, so there's no penalty for vram 2 ram transfers by CPU.
  • »26.03.21 - 11:03
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    K-L wrote:
    Careful : VNC Server on MorphOS is CPU hungry :-(

    and doesn't support encryption either :-/
  • »30.03.21 - 08:29
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 588 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    The original VNC protocol never specified any encryption. The existing attempts to add security by bolting a TLS to the protocol have had massive security flaws in them, or other bugs making them impractical in securing VNC.

    RealVNC introduced "RFB 5" protocol that is (probably) doing cryptography right, but it is proprietary and RealVNC only.

    Even today many VNC server and client implementations only support using SSH or VPN tunnels to secure the connection. Using SSH tunnel is what I'd recommend, even though it is not very convenient. Since we currently have no SSH daemon, it'll have to be a reverse tunnel originating from the MorphOS system. To create the tunnel, use:

    ssh -N -R 25900:localhost:5900 user@server

    The tunnel will be enabled for as long as you have the SSH command running. To shut down the tunnel CTRL-C the ssh command.

    While the tunnel is up you can securely connect to the MorphOS VNCServer *from* the server by pointing the VNC client at the server localhost port 25900.

    If the server is to be used as a proxy, another secure means to do that (such as TLS tunnel, VPN or 2nd SSH tunnel needs to be arranged to allow connecting to the proxy host port 25900. The specifics of such arrangement are beyond the scope of this post.
  • »30.03.21 - 16:57