ibook fans start to spin when MOS3.9 boots up, Mounters cras
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    DFS2 isn't used on anything else but the fastest PowerBook models, sorry. That doesn't mean the CPU will get very hot when idle, though.

    You can safely set the active cooling threshold at 60C min or even more. It won't fry :) I have it set in a 62-70 range myself.
  • »01.03.16 - 13:22
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 214 from 2011/4/18
    From: Frankfurt (Ger...
    Ah, great!

    So setting it to 56-66 should be ok, I believe :)

    If I can sort out the "Mounter" problem, I think I´m set!

    Very impressive and responsive system!
    12" ibook G4 1.33Ghz, 1.5GB RAM, ATI 9550 32MB, 16GB SSD, WiFi, BT, ComboDrive
  • »01.03.16 - 13:36