Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2118 from 2003/2/24
From: po-RNO
Quote:TimoVo wrote:
jPV wrote:
Sounds like you have a slow network connection, if it plays fine for some seconds (cpu isn't probably at max either?) and then halts. Are you using the internal WLAN? BTW. which Powerbook model it is (CPU speed)?
If it's about the network spees as I suspect, using an Atheros5xxx card in cardbus slot or wired connection would help. Anyway, if you have >1GHz machine, Youtube videos should play just fine in full screen mode.
Thanks for your comments!
It is a G4 Powerbook 1.67MHz (A1138).
Network should not be the issue. I'm using wired ethernet connection. Also the Youtube progress bar shows that it has downloaded way more than where it is currently playing. If I pause the playback and let it download the whole clip into cache the playing problem is still there once I resume playing.
System monitor shows that CPU jumps between 60% - 99.9%
Oops, sorry, didn't read the subject too carefully, you said the CPU speed there (although it should be GHz ;).
That machine should be perfectly fine to play 360p videos from YT, if the fullscreen fix script is working. I just tired few videos from YT:s main page without problems with PB A1139. CPU load was quite steady bit over 50%.
Pausing and waiting the video to fully load should indeed eliminate the network suspicions too...
Are you spoofing the browser as some other browser than OWB (default)? I remember that full screen fix didn't work correctly when spoofed as some other browser (IPad or something).
Full screen fix is enabled from the scripts window for sure? :) And it's the latest version
from Fab's page (Grunch for example didn't fetch the latest one last time I tried, you should update it manually)?
You shouldn't need any HTML5 converter scripts with OWB anymore, just the full screen fix script enabled. And if the video doesn't play at all, it's blocked by AdBlock (add an allow rule for youtube.com then).
Can you give some URL to a video which does this for you that I can test if it's not because of a video?
[ Edited by jPV 09.01.2016 - 20:26 ]