Pegasos1 and ssd
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Hi all, I have installed a 2.5 pata ssd into my peg1, and all seems to be in order and it feels faster, and its quieter (the real reason for going ssd) apart from when running my pegXmac hard drive install.

    I have a boot menu setup so I don't have to type masses out to boot a different choice made with bootmenu creator under morphos, only when I use it to boot knoppix to load MOL, it hangs after booting the linux kernel but before it switches exec to it, with a entry "firmware has returned #00000000" on the screen. It works fine for booting morphos.
    If I type in the exact same command line to boot knoppix/mac and pre-pend boot to it, it works 100% of the time.
    I can only think that its a timing issue, Ive noticed when i bypass the menu and do a quick ls /ide/disk:0 sometimes the drive doesn't respond the first time.
    but how can I say to openfirmware "load this entry, but then wait a pause while everything settles before booting it" if thats the case? I had a play with ms 900 as a openfirmware pause, but I don't know how to insert this in the boot line so it happens after load but before exec. Split out the load and exec into two seperate lines with the ms wait between somehow?

    On the plus side I'm surprised at how well the peg1 copes with osx (jaguar 10.2) and it feels snappier running from a ssd.
  • »30.08.15 - 20:50
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    MrFluffy wrote:
    Hi all, I have installed a 2.5 pata ssd into my peg1, and all seems to be in order and it feels faster, and its quieter (the real reason for going ssd) apart from when running my pegXmac hard drive install.

    I have a boot menu setup so I don't have to type masses out to boot a different choice made with bootmenu creator under morphos, only when I use it to boot knoppix to load MOL, it hangs after booting the linux kernel but before it switches exec to it, with a entry "firmware has returned #00000000" on the screen. It works fine for booting morphos.
    If I type in the exact same command line to boot knoppix/mac and pre-pend boot to it, it works 100% of the time.
    I can only think that its a timing issue, Ive noticed when i bypass the menu and do a quick ls /ide/disk:0 sometimes the drive doesn't respond the first time.
    but how can I say to openfirmware "load this entry, but then wait a pause while everything settles before booting it" if thats the case? I had a play with ms 900 as a openfirmware pause, but I don't know how to insert this in the boot line so it happens after load but before exec. Split out the load and exec into two seperate lines with the ms wait between somehow?

    On the plus side I'm surprised at how well the peg1 copes with osx (jaguar 10.2) and it feels snappier running from a ssd.

    I'm not sure I understand your problem fully, but maybe option #3 is worth having a look at (if that is possible in Peg1's firmware, I don't know...), especially if option #1 cures your problem?
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »30.08.15 - 22:06
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Thanks for your response but option1 doesn't cure it, resetting or cold power up doesn't change its behaviour.
    The drive must already be accessible before the boot option starts, as the bootmenu is on the first partition of the ssd. So the firmware is loading in the bootmenu and interpreting it to make the menu.
    I had the same setup working 100% on a ide traditional drive (in fact these partitions are dd copies of the same install) and it worked fine, so it has to be related to the ssd and the firmware somehow.
    It only does it when booting linux to boot MOL, morphos in slots 1 and 2 on the same drive are unaffected.

    I'll have a dig round see if I can work out how to do the pause in forth for the boot menu and see if it fixes it. Its a bit tiresome to type out the boot line each time.
  • »30.08.15 - 23:44
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Fixed, but not in a conventional manner...
    The SSD failed today, so its going back under warantee aged 3 days use old.
    Its not a well known make, so the above may have been signs it was about to die.

    Edit, its just come back to life after a hard power cycle not a button reset.
    I've just found the rootwait and rootdelay kernel mode params in some docs online, so I'll add the pause at the linux level and see if that does the trick too.

    [ Edited by MrFluffy 31.08.2015 - 12:40 ]
  • »31.08.15 - 10:47
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    None of that fixed anything, but molk works from the boot menu (well, it tries to boot, then can't bring the kernel up but I can fix that with some tinkering I'm sure), so I assume its something in the initrd of the knoppix install pegXmac installs that doesn't like the ssd.

    Having looked at the amount of bugs in linux ppc from the date of that knoppix release used in pegXmac quite a few of which may be the cause of this issue, I think I will suck it in and install the newest debian that supports the peg1 and start mol from that.
  • »01.09.15 - 10:27
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece

    Sorry for the out of topic reply, but I have been for ages trying to find a linux distro supporting Pegasos 1. Have been also trying to run mol, molk or PegXmac on Pegasos 1 with no success.

    If you have access to such software that actually boots on Peg1, please drop me a pm.

    [ Edited by CountRaven 03.09.2015 - 02:03 ]
  • »03.09.15 - 03:02
    Profile Visit Website
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    No need for pm, no secrets here.
    I used pegXmac the first time round, using the download link in the article. :-
    Dl link :-
    There's a howto on obligement in french, you can run it through google translate if you need it in english, it comes out usable (I read both). The linux install it puts on is pretty outdated, but as a means to a end...
    The only issue I had not covered is my peg1 has no mac address in the firmware bios (same bug bit me under morphos) so I had to mess about with the init scripts to do a ifconfig eth0 hw ether new.mac.address to get the nic to work and while I was in there I put the iptables to ACCEPT on all the default rules.

    and for molk there is the same, again with download link:-

    pegXmac installs the ancient version of knoppix I'm using to boot MOL now with the boot issues on ssd, but they didn't occur when I used a normal ide magnetic drive. My peg1 has a gig of ram and the mac install feels quite perky.

    For linux, I think but would have to check current debian supports peg1, and I know gentoo did. If your not heavily into linux gentoo will be a big mountain to climb initially but its my distro of choice. However, booting linux was really just a means to get mol to work, I have 3 other x86 boxes up 24/7 on my desk with a lot more cpu/memory, and the peg1 would be just another linux box amongst them that I would have to tweak to get stuff to compile on ppc as its not very mainstream now.

    I have peg1 booting mac osx 10.2 (last you can use on peg1) and OS9.
    I also have os9 classic mode working under 10.2 although it feels slow, but neither feel as slow as basillisk under morphos. I havent tried sheepshearer yet, but its supposed to be faster and would avoid having to reboot into mac os if it was useable.

    Just tinkering really, I have no real need to use a mac, it was just there so I thought I'd have a play.
    if you get stuck, post up a thread and I'm sure someone will be happy to help you.
  • »03.09.15 - 07:42
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Also molk is booting the pegXmac install now cleanly from the bootmenu. I just have one last tiny issue in that when molk boots, it probes a range of frequencies from the monitor, some of which are too high for my monitor to cope with so when osx starts up, it selects a refresh rate too high for my monitor to display and its shutting down.
    I have a theory that its because I use it on a kvm, the probed frequencies are what the kvm tells the client computers what it supports, not what the monitor is capable of.
    I'll hook a screen up to it directly and confirm this and work a way out how to force it to certain modes at boot as a fix once I can see it.
  • »03.09.15 - 10:11
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I think but would have to check current debian supports peg1

    I don't think it does. Even Pegasos II support seems not quite straightforward.

    > and I know gentoo did.

    ...but hasn't for years.
  • »03.09.15 - 10:35
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Ok, thanks, save me looking and spending a age hacking about with make files and code trying to make it work, not that I really want to get drawn into that rabbit hole personally, as I would just end up with yet another linux box under the desk which isn't why I bought the peg1 in the first place, which was to tinker with amiga like os's rather than ploughing loads into my A2000 on rtg and accelerators etc.

    For my case, I'm ok with the knoppix install thats years out of date now molk is working. I did my install last week, so the linked files haven't suffered bitrot too badly while sitting on that file server until 2015 :-)

    I know the knoppix is years out of date and riddled with vulns, but its only going to be route-able on my private lan and acting as a outer layer for MOLK to load MOL and OSX jaguar.
  • »03.09.15 - 11:32
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > the linked files haven't suffered bitrot too badly while sitting on that file server until 2015 :-)

    The and files located on server are linked from the 2005 article only since early 2013 ( started in 2008). The links to previous file locations were replaced by new links when the older became dead. This means decade old Obligement articles are still being updated with working links, which is a good thing :-)

    Edit: Added mention of file to not confuse Pegasos I users.

    [ Edited by Andreas_Wolf 03.09.2015 - 17:05 ]
  • »03.09.15 - 12:39
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2015/8/10
    Just for clarity, the article says to use the older one for peg1 and that's the version I used. The article reads to suggest the reader uses 2.0 for the peg2.

    PegXMac est l'oeuvre de David Bentham. Ce CD fut payant à ses débuts mais est maintenant téléchargeable librement sur le site Il s'agit de la version 2.0 qui conprend MacOnLinux, un émulateur Mac OS pour Linux, en version 0.9.70+. Sachez enfin que pour les utilisateurs de Pegasos I, il est recommandé d'utiliser PegXMac SP. L'article s'appuie sur une installation sur Pegasos II mais les opérations pour les deux sont très similaires.

    Peg1 :-

    Peg2 :-
  • »03.09.15 - 14:41
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Just for clarity, the article says to use the older one for peg1

    Yes, I edited my posting accordingly.
  • »03.09.15 - 17:04
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece
    Thanks for the info guys. Will try PegXMac and Molk.
  • »04.09.15 - 16:24
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