Paladin of the Pegasos
Posts: 1275 from 2010/1/6
From: EU-Austria (Wien)
If you have a printer which supports direct postscript, there is no need to print to PS: -device! PS: -Device is created by TurboPrint during runtime and is thought to print postscript-files to a printer which DOES NOT support postscript (but it should also work, if you have installed Ghostscript properly.....)
In your case you have to create a logical device (like PRT: ) , which let you printout directly to your printer. If you have a printer, supporting ethernet, than it is easy: Set in prefs/System/netprinter the IP of your printer, Protocol=direkt, port=9100.
Then create a new Device: Make a textfile (with ed) and insert following:
StackSize = 4096
Priority = 5
GlobVec = -1
Handler = MOSSYS:L/port-handler
Startup = "DEVICE=netprinter.device UNIT=0 TYPE=printer"
#Save that to Sys:devs/dosdrivers and name it
PRTN (or what ever you want)
Reboot your system. Now you can use PRTN: instead of PRT: to printout postscript direct to your printer. Works also with printer-servers.......
Most of network-printers allows you to open Printer-Prefs with a browser (like OWB). Insert as URL the IP oft the printer and look what will come up......
If you have only USB (and no ethernet printerserver) you need not to define a printer in Netprinter-prefs. But in Dosdriver-file you have to replace netprinter.device with your usb-device......
Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....