Used on MZ
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    A few folks have asked me in chat, or in person, what kind of hardware and software I use to maintain MorphZone and to work on it in the first place. Others have asked that I put up a page showing the same. Instead, I thought I would just post a quick thread for grins ;-)

    When first starting MorphZone, I didn't have a Pegasos. A lot of the early construction saw the use of my Amithlon box (A Celeron 950 machine) and an A1200 in and infinativ tower with a Mediator.

    Anyway, on with the list... ;-)

    The amount of different software used to make MorphZone what it is today is simply a melting pot of things from all over.

    fxPaint, ImageFX, tvPaint, Cloanto's PPaint, and probably a few other imaging software titles have all been used for the graphics. Heck, I've even stooped to using MS-Paint on the PC on an occasion or two. Jobbo has helped using a whole host of paint and imaging software packages on many platforms. Tokai has helped, though he generally uses software on MorphOS only.

    The editor list is nearly as long, considering that I've used everything from Pico and Ed to ConText(PC title) and GoldED AIX. I've used some Aminet downloaded MUI based editors, something I found on an Aminet CD, MorphED, and GoldED Studio 6. About the only editor I haven't used is CED, but only because I couldn't afford yet another editor! That's not all, I've even used MetalWeb a time or two (most recently MetalMap for the current header).

    Is that All? NO! The site, while mostly PHP, sports Rebol, bits of compiled C code, and ARexx. For administration, I've used Putty (PC), AmTelnet, ATC, and mFTP.

    For testing, I've used Voyager, IBrowse, FireFox, and IE. Early on, I used AWeb too, but after the death of my Amithlon box (h/w failure)--I learned that AWeb just doesn't run well on my Pegasos (time for AF on my laptop maybe?). Oh, and AmIRC too, since there are a couple of MorphZone plugins now.

    In the end, I would have to summerize that MorphZone has been built with just whatever was on-hand at the moment ;-) I hope this answers the questions for those who've /msg'd me on IRC, at a few shows, etc.

    MZ Hint of the Day: If you use GoldED as an Ed replacement, press the "E" button when posting on MorphZone to have access to the Joyce spell-checker!

    MorphOS portal?
  • »29.10.04 - 20:36
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 246 from 2003/5/14
    From: Fort Worth, TX...
    Well...Morphzone sure looks good! :) I appreciate your hard work on this site. It is one of the places that I go to daily no matter what I'm doing! Keep up the good work!

    Pegasos 1 G3 MorphOS 1.4.5* Mac G4 Sawtooth 1Ghz Tiger 10.4.1* Both Rock! :-D
  • »29.10.04 - 21:01
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    @ Targhan

    Wow! :-o

    Anyway, I now got a picture about the amount of work and effort you put into this place. I guess I have never expressed my appreciation for this site and for your efforts with it. I usually come here several times daily. On slow days at work, perhaps even 10-20 times (when work load is peaking, there could be a few days in between). And I like it a lot! Great work! :-)

    BTW, when this strange pumpkin season is over, will we return to the pre-punpkin visual style? Or will there be yet a new style or other improvements/changes?

    One thing I like with this style, is that the HTML links in posts are quite clear and visible in MS Explorer (my most regular browser :-/) ...
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »29.10.04 - 21:56
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    Tokai has helped, though he generally uses software on MorphOS only.

    yeah... the less stuff i could gladly contribute was done with following tools:

    - tvpaint (99% of the gfx work i contributed)
    - fxpaint, ifx (only for converting and stuff)
    - ibrowse 2.3 (for finding non-css errors and annoying targhan all the time with asking for fixes)
    - MorphED, sometimes CED (little text stuff and such)
    - AmIRC 3.5.x (w/o this tool it would be impossible to annoy targhan ;-) )

  • »29.10.04 - 23:05
    Profile Visit Website