Paladin of the Pegasos
Posts: 1296 from 2010/1/6
From: EU-Austria (Wien)
-About the dvd mplayer how can i add subtitles??If there are subtitlefiles on DVD you can activate/cycle them by selecting "Cycle Subtitles" in menu.
Or you press key "c" during playing and select preferences/subtitles to enable them.
Keyboard shortcuts for MPlayer include:
q = quit
r = sub position -
t = sub position +y
T = enable/disable stay on top mode
y = sub delay reset to 0
o/O = toggle on-screen display (enabled, disabled, time lapsed, time lapsed/remaining)
p = play/pause
[ = speed -10%
] = speed +10%
{ = speed x 1/2
} = speed x 2
a = sub alignment
d = toggle framedropping (on, hard, off)
f = toggle full-screen
j = toggle subtitle (off, language 1, language 2, etc...)
l = load file to playlist (GUI only)
z = sub delay -
x = sub delay +
c = skin browser
v = enable/disable subtitles
b = toggle subtitle (off, language 1, language 2, etc...)
m = mute on/off
/ = volume down,
0 = play
. = frame advance
1 = contrast -
2 = contrast +
3 = brightness -
4 = brightness +
5 = tint - (green)
6 = tint + (red)
7 = color -
8 = color +
/ = volume -
* = volume +
- = audio-video delay -
+ = audio-video delay +
up = forward 1 minute
down = back 1 minute
left = rewind
right = fast forward
home = beginning
end = end
pg up = forward 10 mins
pg dn = back 10 mins
# = toggle audio
If you have a seperate subtitle-file to a movie, you can load from subtitle-menu!
Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....