glGenerateMipmapEXT bug
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 635 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE

    Alors.... i just port this game Astromenace:

    i define glGenerateMipmapEXT with glGenerateMipmap

    But renderer with glGenerateMipmap is corrupted (texture glish on ship when start game or on menu).... so i need to disable it and use gluBuild2DMipmaps.

    Dont know why... maybe a bug with it, bigfoot ?

    here bin with mipmap enable :

    My machine: Imac 2.1, i dont test on other machine.

    Thanks you

    [ Edité par beworld 07.10.2023 - 22:10 ]

    [ Edité par beworld 07.10.2023 - 22:11 ]
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »07.10.23 - 20:02
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 61 from 2023/9/19
    Quick question ...

    how would you create the gamedata.vfs on a MOS machine ? Got AstroMenace installed on an ARM Linux machine but the version differs so the VFS is not recognized ...
  • »08.10.23 - 16:34
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 635 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE
    No.... i create gamedata.vfs with Windows version compile with MINGW64
    I try to build it with MOS but, i dont have succes with it (VFS write endian problam i think)
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »08.10.23 - 16:37
    Profile Visit Website