Grunch Is Not Working:
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 245 from 2012/10/14
    From: DFW, TX, USA
    It was working before but then it started "meditating". I restarted. Then it stopped loading at 4/9 with no abort option. I uninstalled Grunch and reinstalled Grunch and now it stops loading at 3/9!
    :-) I Support Quark Microkernel. :-D
  • »09.03.14 - 09:09
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 245 from 2012/10/14
    From: DFW, TX, USA
    That was a fast resolution. Grunch appears to be functioning properly! Thanks for repairing it.
    :-) I Support Quark Microkernel. :-D
  • »09.03.14 - 09:16
    Profile Visit Website