• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    I might as well make good use of this P.O.S. Efika while I've still got it.

    To begin, I opened "Comics!" and then closed it to see what would happen. It produced these errors:

    No information for "ram:t/tempcbr": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete
    No information for "ram:t/comic.script": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete
    No information for "ram:t/deleteraw.script": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete
    No information for "ram:t/deletefiles.script": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete
    No information for "ram:t/extractpges.script": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete
    No information for "ram:t/listzip.script": object not found
    list failed returncode 20
    No file to delete

    I then tried to load up a CBR and...

    ...nothing is happening. My Video RAM went up about 2Mb and is staying there. Fast RAM (or what ever we call it these days) is holding where it was. CPU didn't move a pinch.

    I'll have to try some more files, but that's what I got thus far. Glad to see that you are working on a MorphOS port, a major relief for me personally as it's one of my favorite OS', now to just get better hardware.
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »06.03.14 - 23:13
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