HOWTO: Passwordless SSH with MorphOS RemoteShell
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    There are lots of tutorials about this for linux, but not much for MorphOS, even if the process is mostly the same. So when I started doing this, I decided to write down all steps, in case someone else needs to do it in the future. I assume you already have a suitable unix / linux system properly configured. If not, google for some linux tutorial.

    While "passwordless login" might sound terribly insecure, it's actually often more secure than traditional passworded login. Oversimplified, you "create a really secure & random password, which you upload to the server". In practice, this is of course quite a bit more complex (and more secure). Of course this can be combined with a password for even more protection.

    Step 1: Set hostname
    You might want to set your hostname in Settings => Network => Host and DNS

    Step 2: Create public & private key pair

    SYS:Applications/RemoteShell/Files/ssh-keygen -t rsa

    When asked for password, just press enter for none.
    Enter same password again.

    Step 3: Get the public key to server
    Doesn't matter how you do it. With USB massstorage device:

    copy sys:Applications/RemoteShell/Files/conf/ UMSD0:

    Move the USB device to the server.

    Step 4: Add key to authorized keys
    Mount the USB disk (if not done automatically)
    Append the key to your list of authorized keys:

    cat /media/disk/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    NOTE: Use the path where the disk is mounted.

    Step 5: RemoteShell configuration
    Preferences => Servers => Add
    Alias: Whatever you like
    Server: Address of the server
    Login: User name (on the server)
    Password: Empty (unless you use one)
    Port: Whatever the server is using.

    When connecting to the server for the first time, RemoteShell asks if you want to continue connecting (as the host isn't yet marked as known). After answering yes, the connection will be done automatically.

    Hope this helps someone :-)
  • »14.10.12 - 18:03
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