Is there any way to read SFS/02 partitions under MorphOS? I don't mind if it's a hack or dangerous as I won't be storing critical data on that drive anyway, just something that'll let me have a partition bigger than 128gb (as the SFS/00 limit - which, in reality, is even less, about 100gb) and I'll be able to access it from the OS4 side. Thanks in advance!
I just saw there was a version for 68k, SFS 2.3 which is nowhere to be found any more(?!?). Anyone has it and is kind enough to send it?
Sadly, sfs 1.279 aka sfs\00 does not support big partitions (>128gb) or big files (>4gb). That's why I'm hunting that sfs2 2.3 version for 68k which - in theory - should work fine. The problem is, there's nowhere to be found :/ But maybe someone here has it stored somewhere from back then?
> sfs 1.279 aka sfs\00 does not support big partitions (>128gb) or big files (>4gb).
From the ReadMe of SFS 1.277:
"The size of a file is limited to about 4 GB (DOSType 'SFS\0', several TB with DOSType 'SFS\2')." "Supports partitions of up to 128 GB (DOSType 'SFS\0', for 'SFS\2' partitions the limit is 1 TB, but it can be more depending on the blocksize, with 32KB/Block it's 64 TB)."
ah! I see! I think I had successfully used jxfs under OS4 with big files at some point and I thought I could with sfs2 as well. But I could still use big (>128gb) partitions, right? thx!
Well, i never had no problem with SFS2 and it was to only way to use paritions bigger 127GB before icefs appeard. I only use it on partitions that have to be that big...
Using 128GB+ partition should be still fine. Large files are not really problem either. It is just that applications can not access files beyond 2GB limit.