• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 537 from 2003/4/11
    From: Germany
    I can confirm that I've been working on PGS5 for MorphOS about 3 years ago. It was a bit difficult to coordinate the effort with Deron back then, though, as he couldn't respond to email for periods of time.
    I made it work up to a point where Christoph Poelzl and myself were able to show a preview version at Alchimie 0xb back in 2015 but in order to get it to a releasable state it would have required some additional work by Deron which unfortunately never happened due to various reasons not in my control. Christoph even offered Deron to finance the effort.

    PGS5 would have been and still would be a great application for MorphOS - unfortunately Deron seemed to have lost interest to get it to a final state for reasons I don't know.

    I doubt that open sourcing the whole code would get the project anywhere even if Deron would release it this way - which is unlikely IMHO -, it still needs some coordinated effort and at least an experienced developer to get it done. Just look at various projects which have been released this way and what happened to them.
  • »28.02.19 - 08:44
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