WORDWORTH - Mystery of the invisible text SOLVED
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Hi guys (and gals!)

    For all of you Wordworth diehards out there that have been pulling out your hair because when you load WW all the text seems to be invisible - Read on!!!! I have the solution! :)

    Ok, open WW.

    Type any old thing onto the page - nothing will show but it IS there.

    Goto menu item Format: Font. This will open the Font settings window.

    Find the sub-box COLOUR, then use your mouse to scroll the TEXT input item down to "DEFINE.."
    This in turn throws up a standard R/G/B colour slider chart.

    Now, with the "Define" box up, select BLACK. Then change the RED slider to 14. the GREEN slider to 10 and the BLUE slider to 15.

    The text you wrote on page should now show up black (or as good as!). If it does not hit "Apply" on both windows and it should show up. If it STILL doesnt show up then go back into that Define window, and tweak those values into slightly higher numbers until the text magically appears.

    Save your settings and now every time you write it will use the slightly-off-black colour and will show up.

    I can only guess that the colour chart is somewhat different under MOS to AOS and as such things have got a little screwed in transition. Such is life.

    Anyway, lete me know if this works for you all please! ;-) and then if it does Targhan can whack this into the FAQ section of the site too. ;)

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at: www.whiteharegames.co.uk/
  • »05.09.03 - 19:55
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Did anyone read this and did it work for you too??

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at: www.whiteharegames.co.uk/
  • »09.09.03 - 22:19
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Bifford,

    Tried it a few days ago, but it doesn't work.
    The moment I start typing the line (on which I'm typing) turns into a grey bar and then the whole page turns also in the same grey color.

    Maybe I have to play with the initial screen settings or so.
    Until now only Final Writer works for me, but I can't save with it (see the other thread).

    With WordWorth I have the problem that all colors are inverted when printing (white is black and black is white).

    I'll try some more and let you know :-)

  • »10.09.03 - 05:39
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Hi Spidey,

    Is WW on its own screen?
    Im running WW7.0 at 1024x760. the "Use less memory" box is NOT ticked.
    And all settings in "Screen Colours" are as default.

    And also - make sure in your tooltypes that it says PICASSO=TRUE <---this is the MOST important thing with WW on non-aga screens and is what causes most people's troubles.

    Let me know if you get it running right.

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at: www.whiteharegames.co.uk/
  • »10.09.03 - 09:05
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Bifford,

    What stupdi of me! I forgot to turn the option on in the tooltypes!!! :-)

    It now works.
    I'm running it in a screenmode of 1024x768x24bit without problems.

    Do you also have the problem of not seeing the icons above? I have to press befor I can see them.
    Also played with the colors in the prefs.
    You can change the settings only for Blue to like:


    That works too.

    Oh, and most important. It prints correctly!

    Now I'm a very happy dude :-D

  • »10.09.03 - 18:05
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    One question:

    Is it possible to read jpeg-pictures with WordWorth? (or GIF and PNG :-))

  • »10.09.03 - 21:16
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 29 from 2003/8/24
    @ Bifford ... what was the last update to wordsworth? thanks
  • »11.09.03 - 04:09
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Hi guys!

    "Do you also have the problem of not seeing the icons above? I have to press befor I can see them."

    Not with the Toolbar, hower the Font and FontSize surround boxes are "invisible" till I change the font or sizes yes. The selected Fontname and size text show up so its obvious where they are, just not the surrounding boxes and gadgets.


    The last update is actually 7.01.
    It is available on the Kickstart website (that I designed, that is now defunct as Kickstart stopped almost a year ago).
    Link to the Kickstart site is
    Just follow the WordWorth link.

    However I never really found any use for the .01 update. I certainly havnt tried it on MOS. If someone would care to install it and report back if it works ok then that would be great. I just cant be bothered! :-)

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at: www.whiteharegames.co.uk/
  • »11.09.03 - 09:27
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Bifford,

    Yes, I've got the same "problem" as you describe.


    Is it possible to read different kind of images with WordWorth?
    I can't read Jpeg- and GIF-pictures with WordWorth.

  • »16.09.03 - 10:59
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 29 from 2003/8/24
    @bifford ..thanks for that 'here' ...and as far as your request "I'll be back"....
  • »23.09.03 - 22:19