weird keyboard
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway
    I recently dicovered some strange keyboard behaviour. I think it might have come after installing the pack ultimate, but I cant tell for sure that this is it when it happend

    The lcommand m does not work anymore to change screens (lcommand n works)

    The Alt buttons are also not working as usual, eg in e-uae I normally can quit the emulator by pressing ctrl lalt q. To quit the emulator I now must use ctrl lalt ralt q.
    The other e-uae shortcuts seems to work ok, like ctrl lalt r to reset or together with the F1 to insert floppy.

    Also the hotkeys for toggle windows (-repeat alt tab) or (-repeat shift alt tab) does not work. Sometimes I can get it to do something if I use both alt buttons in the combination.

    SOLVED (almost)
    I discovered the wonders of IControl while writing this post :)
    So I found that the rommand q was mapped there and caused the disturbance with e-uae
    Also I found that the lcommand m mapping was missing the "m", so now thats ok.

    But I couldnt find any conflicts with the alt tab combination for cycling windows, so that is still now working here.
    I notice that IControl also have options for activating next and previous window, what is the differerence with this and the window next / previous setting in MUI? And can they work together?
  • »18.12.10 - 20:46