  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 96 from 2004/2/4
    Zaphod - quick and dirt hex editor MorphOS port.
    Get it from here
  • »06.11.10 - 18:59
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 315 from 2004/2/14
    From: Naples - Italy
    I used Zaphod to hexedit Zaphod itself and change some residual german texts in the "Setting" menu and elsewhere:

    "Textdarstellungsart" --> "Text representation"
    "alle druckbaren Zeichen" --> "all printable characters"
    "nur ASCII-Zeichen" --> "only ASCII chars"
    "nur buchstaben" --> "only letters"
    "alle Zeichen" --> "all chars"
    "ab vier Zeichen" --> "from four characters"
    "Es konnte nicht in das Clipboard geschrieben werden" --> "Could not write into the clipboard"
    "Das Clipboard ist leer" --> "The clipboard is empty"
    "Keine Datei geladen" --> "No file loaded"

    (I don't know German, this is a Google translation with small changes by me.)
    Powered by PegasosII-G4, MacMini, PowerMac MDD.
  • »07.11.10 - 00:25
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 96 from 2004/2/4
    Send me .cd file and i will create proper binary...or do it yourself, archive contain all sources and makefile ready to build app.
  • »07.11.10 - 19:53
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 96 from 2004/2/4
    New zaphod under the same url.
  • »08.11.10 - 18:34
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 315 from 2004/2/14
    From: Naples - Italy

    You are too fast for my reaction times...

    And you are a better translator, too!
    Powered by PegasosII-G4, MacMini, PowerMac MDD.
  • »08.11.10 - 19:58
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 96 from 2004/2/4
    Main author fixed most problems i made only morphos port.
    Greetz to Matthias Rustler
  • »08.11.10 - 20:59
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2010/11/7
    I finally have my Morphzone account (I didn't know that I have to activate it). What I wanted to say is: I have already translated the missing strings :hammer:
  • »11.12.10 - 17:25
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