screenbar plugin
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27

    I just like to point out that a screenbar plugin for Grabber would be VERY VERY helpfull! Perhaps this would be doable for next MorphOS update?

    Also, I noticed that when having Drivelamps active on the screenbar as well as the Clock, then when copying files to the hd, the clock and date are flashing, disappearing, reappearing, etc. Is this normal or is there something wrong in my settings?
  • »05.08.10 - 09:43
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Ultragelb made the best screenbar grabber utility, no idea if it got released though.

    As for drivelamps, this is a known bug and we will be looking into this.
  • »05.08.10 - 10:05
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 90 from 2004/8/23
    From: Vinzelles, France

    other "bug":
    When a song is finished, the screenbar plugins preference close, if it was opened.
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  • »05.08.10 - 10:31
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    @ jacadcaps

    I heard about this plugin from Ultragelb but I don't think he has released it and I could never find it somewhere neither, that's why I've asked for such a plugin with next release, because it's VERY handy!
  • »05.08.10 - 10:57
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > no idea if it got released though.

    It didn't. But it was available for some time nevertheless ;-)
  • »05.08.10 - 14:13
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    @ andreas_wolf

    ok, it was but it isn't anymore, that's why I was asking if such would be possible for next update ;-)
  • »05.08.10 - 14:56
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    I'd prefer if Gelb released his grabber. There's really no point in reinventing the wheel.
  • »05.08.10 - 15:33
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    DISCLAIMER: Programmers reserve the right of teasing everyone with their creations, while keeping them to themselves. ;-)
  • »05.08.10 - 15:46
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > ok, it was but it isn't anymore

    Yes, I know.

    > that's why I was asking if such would be possible for next update

    I know. I was commenting on jacadcaps's posting, not yours.
  • »05.08.10 - 17:43
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    Why don't create a momentary alternative auto-grabbers buttons for yourself? :-)
    Given that I'm not a programmer I thought to create (what a big word!) a button to insert in the MorphOS dock bar. I did in this way:
    downloaded "SGrab" (you can find it on Lukysoft website or Aminet) and placed in my Tools dir. I decided for this program because I don't know how to use (and if it is possible to do) Grabber via CLI.
    Opened 'Ed' and create this line:
    DH0: Tools/SGrabPPC RAM:'filename'_{number}.jpg JPG
    dh0: tools/SGrabPPC is where is the program. So write your directory, in wich program is.
    RAM:'filename'_{number}.jpg JPG means:
    RAM or where you prefer to save the grab
    'filename' is clear
    {number} is an option that allow you to save more grabs with the same name but different number (growing by 1, according to the last number saved
    .jpg is the file extension
    JPG is the graphic file type that will be saved. You can choose PNG (and change .jpg in .png). No choice will result in a ILBM file save.
    I saved this little script as "SnapScreen", found an appropiate icon, choosed "Project" as type and I wrote iconx in the 'Deafault Tool'. Now the button to grab screen is ready!
    I did the same for window grab button, modifying the script:
    DH0: Tools/SGrabPPC WINDOW RAM:'filename'_{number}.jpg JPG
    Option are the same as above except "WINDOW" option that tells the program to grab the active window. Saved it as "SnapWin". Choosed another appropiate icon and I did exactly the same I did before, creating the second button. The one to grab window.
    Now you can place them in the MorphOS panel or, for a realistic scene, you can create another panel, insert this two buttons, change its size and place it on the Ambient screenbar. With the right background, of course...
    If someone knows if Grabber could be used with CLI it would be nice. I searched for any information but I found nothing...
    SGrab is a little bit slow but works. Read the "Read me" for other options.
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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  • »06.08.10 - 20:06
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1275 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    You can also use SNAPIT (from Stefan Blixth / Onyxsoft) instead. SNAPIT is MOS-native and quick....
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »06.08.10 - 20:48
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    I didn't suggested because here it crashed.... =(
    I don't know why.. But yes, SnapIT is a really good prog!
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
    Powermac G4 Quicksilver with Sonnet Encore 1.8 ghz
    Powermac G4 MDD single 1.25 ghz, silenced for ears health...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.7 ghz I'll be back...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 ghz
    Powerbook G4 1.67 ghz 17
  • »06.08.10 - 21:03
  • Moderator
    Posts: 100 from 2003/4/19
    From: Karlstad, Sweden
    Please report any problems with SnapIT to me directly.
    I've got a newer one in the pipe line but I havn't had the time to finalize it yet.
    Maybe I could use the SnapIT-engine as a screenbar module incase Gelb decide not to release his snapper but as it is currently, I havn't got much time over for doing anything fun-coding at home =(
  • »07.08.10 - 05:35
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    I don't know why everyone wants buttons for grabbers... I've always (on classic Amiga and MorphOS) used keyboard shortcuts for grabbing screens/windows. Just hit the Print Scrn or any other key combination to grab the frontmost screen/window (configure shortcuts with one of the million possible ways (mmkeyboard, magellan, etc)).

    [ Edited by jPV on 2010/8/7 10:50 ]
  • »07.08.10 - 07:45
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