Strange keyboard behaviour in Google Docs spreadsheet app
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 64 from 2007/7/8
    I am unable to type lower case "s" in any spreadsheet cell. Upper case "S" works fine and there are no problems when typing other alphanumerics. This is really strange - I can't imagine Google not testing their application properly.

    Another strange behaviour is that I can't delete all contents of a cell using back key. The previous value repeats as soon as cursor moves to a next cell. The workaround is by clearing the cell from context menu.

    Anyway, the letter "s" issue is kinda' annoying. Has anyone experienced this? Please could someone test if they have the same issue?

    I'm using OWB 1.8 with spoof settings to Firefox 3.6 on Vista. MOS 2.5 installed over previous version and Pack Ultimate 1.5.x.

    Much appreciated!
    Registered MOS 2.7 + Pack Ultimate 1.6.2 running on:
    Power Mac G4 FW800 1.42GHz 2GB / Radeon 9000 Pro 128MB / SB Live! / NEC USB 2.0 / SuperDrive
    Mac Mini G4 1.5GHz 1GB / 64MB VRAM / SuperDrive
    Dell UltraSharp 2407WFP 1920x1200
    PowerBook G4 ready :-)
  • »20.06.10 - 03:43