Have any used TUBEXX as a video editing tool?
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    An archive of Windows Media Files needed to be frame numbered...Can TUBEXX do that?
    Is there other morph application that have video editing capabilities?
    Mplayer has an extensisive command capability and to scripit to it is possible.
    I dont want to reinvent the WHEEL 8-)


    The larger goal of Open Video Toaster is to stimulate development of video editing and video production software for MorphOS 2.x, Amiga OS 4.x & AROS. Dedication and passion is what will bring Amiga successor operating systems back into relevance, not mysterious companies who's true motives are unknown. Once upon a time with Video Toaster the Amiga was king of desktop video and computer assisted video editing. While in today's modern times it can no longer be king it could yet again be one of the many choices customers consider. The Amiga Video Toaster's ease of use and learning curve are still relevant even after all this time. You will not be editing you next HD block buster with the Amiga Video Toaster but you could teach yourself video editing in about 20 minutes.

    Never used the Toaster Hardware. Could the software be used?

    Osco seen placing video toaster 4.2 in MacMini

    Cd was read and many files were appeared....
    Again has any stepped into this before?
    [ Edited by osco on 2010/1/12 20:02 ]

    [ Edited by osco on 2010/1/12 20:06 ] :-x :-x :-x

    [ Edited by osco on 2010/1/12 20:10 ]

    [ Edited by osco on 2010/1/12 20:15 ]
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »12.01.10 - 22:11
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    "the most promising target group for MorphOS would be technically suave enthusiasts (in relative terms) who are likely to enjoy the advanced customization and individualization options as offered by MorphOS :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »13.01.10 - 19:31
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...
    talking to yourself again osco?

    I don't have an answer for you, because I am no expert with TUBEXX or MPlayer, but I do not believe that either of them can do video editing.

    I would love to have Open Video Toaster work on MorphOS, but as others have explained, sifting through thousands and thousands of lines of assembler code that was tied closely to the Amiga custom chipset and trying to port it to any other OS and hardware platform is not likely to ever happen. Recreating the look and feel of the Video Toaster/Flyer in a new "start from scratch" software video editing program is possible, but will take more time to complete than I have left in my lifetime, unless an army of programmers take it on that have past experience in such types of programming.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »13.01.10 - 21:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    There was software which came with the Vlab, at least I think it did. Called 'VLrec' IIRC, it was meant to capture and edit the video that the Vlab sucked in.

    At one time there were drivers for some digital cameras etc. as well. Is there any possibility of running or bringing back to life this software?

    Additionally, the Video Toaster II was a PCI card which had PC and Mac software available. It came out at a time when a dual 600MHz PIII setup was THE BOMB. So, it seems like a Pegasos II or G4 Mac tower could handle it OK. What about a port of that card's software? Newtek?

    Finally, every Pegasos has firewire ports. So does every G4 macintosh including the laptops. Every decent camcorder made for about the last decade has a firewire port as well. I believe Sonic was working on a project called 'firecracker' that was/is a firewire port driver for MorphOS.

    I don't think the biggest problem is making a software to display and edit video-even something similar to iMovie. It's not that complex of a program-certainly not as hard as a browser! The biggest problem is getting video into and out of the box. I've been told more than once that firewire drivers are 'not necessary' for MorphOS. Could have fooled me and my two very common camcorders with firewire output..

    The firewire stack is the place to start.
  • »14.01.10 - 03:01
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA

    'There was software which came with the Vlab, at least I think it did. Called 'VLrec' IIRC, it was meant to capture and edit the video that the Vlab sucked in."
    Inches from My Macmini sits an A3000 with a vlab card in it. Also in it is a network card.The router ia six feet away. On the bookshelf are a collection of manuals,arexx, vlab 4.2,et al.
    I think all the pieces of the puzzle are there.
    Back to the threstle board
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »14.01.10 - 04:57
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I believe Sonic was working on a project called 'firecracker'
    > that was/is a firewire port driver for MorphOS.

    I guess you mean "Fireworks":


    But obviously Yomgui stepped in for Sonic and Helios is about to substitute the Fireworks project:

  • »14.01.10 - 09:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    Oh, wow! Didn't know you had all that stuff. Was I right about VLrec? Is that what the software was called? I have the 3000 and the Vlab card, but they're not together at the moment. It HAS been a decade since I played with that setup, by the way..
  • »14.01.10 - 22:48
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    @ Tronman,
    I have been away from Amiga until Ostober 2009..then MorphOS2.4 and the macmini!!! I have a lot of catch up to do.
    Retired and :) got the time.
    Got two Specialized mountain bikes and paths around Boston's seashore :-D

    [ Edited by osco on 2010/1/14 17:58 ]
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »14.01.10 - 22:57