Showgirls suggestions
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2009/12/17
    From: Salem, Oregon,...
    I've been really enjoying Showgirls and WAManager since registering MorphOS late last year. After playing around with it, I've found a couple things I would like to see addressed. The first one has to do with the way Showgirls refreshes the directory of thumbnails. Say I'm down a the bottom of a directory looking at a picture. If I manipulate the image and 'Save Image' from the 'Project' menu, the thumbnails refresh to reflect the change, but it always moves back to the top of the directory instead of returning to the picture I was viewing. I was dealing with a directory of 320 images and had to scroll down dozens of times to get to where I left off.

    The second thing I noticed was the lack of disk gadget next to the 'Path' string in the 'Save Image' requester. If I want to change the path I have to go into 'Save As' instead.

    Here's a suggestion: I'd like to have a floating window with all the processing choices listed. Quick access is a plus!

    Also, I'd like to see expanded filters for batch processing. Mostly I need noise reduction and now have to do it manually on each image. Perhaps an option to use the values left in the other processing windows.

    Thanks for such great software!

  • »08.01.10 - 20:08
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1275 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    For thumbnail-refresh: after your action press key "page_down" and you will jump back to the old position and the NEXT thumbnail will be shown and highlighted....

    What I miss is a printout-function (Postscript please) and a possibility to arrange pictures on printing page in a certain way - lets say 1/2/4/6/8/16/32 pics on one page - symetrically and propper fitted... and further on may be folder-arrangement...etc.
    This is normaly job of the printer-driver-system (like in Windows or Linux), but I think it makes no sense to wait for an TP-upgrade......!

    [ Editiert durch Amigaharry2 an 2010/1/8 22:39 ]
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »08.01.10 - 22:37
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2009/12/17
    From: Salem, Oregon,...
    Thanks for that tip!

    Have you looked into Gallerius? It's meant to be a HTML gallery creator for images, but is flexible enough to suit your needs. Create a gallery of images (rows and columns are selectable) and view it in OWB. Use OWB to save to .pdf. From there it's an easy conversion to PostScript or printing.

  • »08.01.10 - 23:45
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1275 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    No, I have not checked Gallerius till yet - will try it soon...thanks! It could be a way for now - but for the future I hope such a printing-function will be realized anyway......
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »09.01.10 - 09:03