Login Problems
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece
    Just installed OWB 1.3 on my Amiga 4000 PPC @ MorphOS PowerUp.

    It runs very well.

    But when I try to log in in MorphZone it takes me back to the starting page asking for user and pass again. Actually the same happends with the most Amiga forum sites and not only @ OWB 1.3 MorphOS but @ OWB for OS4.
    and I think on IBrowse as well.

    In addition in both cases on MorphOS and AmigaOS4 I have to uses Setenv WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL ERRORS 1 command on shell in order for the Gmail page to open correctly. Otherwise I get the error message: Loading http://www.gmail.com/ failed.
    peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. On Ibrowse it works fine with or without the SetEnv command.

    I have not got similar problems on Peg2 or Samantha or AmigaOne, on those next gen systems all the browsers work fine.

    Does all this mean that I got to install an add on / update or something? On MorphOS -lets focus on it of course- I have installed the classic 68k AmiSSL. What more?
  • »16.08.09 - 14:28
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