• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...
    Nothing official, but I've taken a little break in DigiBooster3 programming. One needs a break sometimes in such a big project. I plan to resume work in the second half of June. The current work concentrates on instrument editor, which is one of the three big components of every tracker (player engine, pattern editor, instrument editor). Fast and accurate sample display engine is finished (with scrolling, zooming and all fancy stuff). Loop editor part is currently in the work. Then there is envelope editor, which in contrast to DB 2.x will be combined with sample editor, so one can see envelopes over sample. After that I will implement missing stuff in player engine (DSP echo and some minor commands like sample offset, and evenlope slide). This will make the main stuff ready, there are just lots of smaller things to add however. The editors (APC&TCP) will decide which of them must go into 3.0 release and which may be added later as updates.

    BTW I invite those interested in DB3 development to look at my Twitter account (link in the signature).

    [ Edited by Krashan on 2010/5/17 11:04 ]
  • »17.05.10 - 09:02
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