MIDI on MorphOS on PEG2 ?
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 175 from 2005/1/14
    From: core of universe

    I'm totally addiced to Octamed serving as MIDI-sequencer on an A1200

    For MorphOS, there seems to be bars&pipes available, which is great, but not helpfull for my old stuff.

    Is there any MED-like program which has been hacked to produce MIDI-output on a PEG ?

    Can Peg2 do the MIDI-rate on RS232 ?
    Maybe he can send on a faster rate, so I'd plug a microcontroler for conversion in between ....?
  • »19.03.09 - 21:15
  • tom
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2003/7/22
    From: Heesch, The Ne...
    If you can save the stuff as .mid, you can load it in B&P. You can use the gameport for midi in-out (with a special connector). Works fine. In Bars and Pipes you can load the .song (its own ) format, .mid and .smus format. Eventually you can write to Alfred Faust (he has his own site). He programs now B&P. Maybe he can help you.

    regards Tom

  • »20.03.09 - 14:35