Goin to show EFIKA + MorphOS 2.0 at a Amiga meet
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17

    I have been very busy so I havent tried much software.. any help appreciated on ideas of what to show.


    [ Edited by TheMagicM on 2008/7/20 18:21 ]
  • »21.07.08 - 01:20
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    wish mine was as stable as your!

    1) pointrider works
    2) Apdf

    no luck here with mame,vlc, or mplayer
  • »21.07.08 - 04:39
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    well if I dont use Sputnik then its stable so far. I havent tried anything major yet.
  • »21.07.08 - 05:49
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  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    What do you mean with mplayer or vlc?
    They don't start at all?
    If it's just a slowness issue, it's caused by the missing audio driver. In that case, until it's available add -nosound parameter to mplayer commandline/config.

    About mame, it also works on efika, but given its cpu & memory requirements, it won't be really useful.
  • »21.07.08 - 13:30
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22

    TheMagicM wrote:
    well if I dont use Sputnik then its stable so far. I havent tried anything major yet.

    Writing this from Sputnik on Efika... it can be pretty stable if:
    - you take a look at the available mem: there are memory leaks in Sputnik that means that memory allocated viewing a page is not freed until the program is quit. Therefore you need to quit every now and then, since Efika only has 128MB;
    - you don't click on new link before the previous page has completely loaded (or you click Stop and then the link). No problems in loading different pages simultaneously on different tabs howevver.
    If you follow these two tips, you shouldn't have many problems with Sputnik. Hopefully this quirks will get resolved, however even now Sputnik is one highlight of an amigoid system, and deserves to be shown IMHO.

    What to show?
    If you have some pics taken with a digicam, load them into the Efika and use ShowGirls, play a bit with filters and effects: this program is a little gem, one of the best image viewers for any platform.
    Try to install MPlayer, download some videos (not HD, possibly :-) ) and configure MIME from Ambient (right click on the icon of a video -> Configure Filetype Actions... ). You can add an action for the double click, for instance AmigaDOS command:
    run >NIL: your:path/mplayer -quiet -vo cgx_overlay -ao null %sp
    and maybe even a menu entry for no overlay (more than one video at once, with smaller videos it works even on Efika) where you substitute cgx_overlay with cgx_wpa. That entry will appear right clicking on the icon.

    Download Wipeout 2097 demo from Aminet, install it and also from the Contributions driver Goa3D (the Warp3D wrapper) and lowlevel. Wipeout works nicely in window or fullscreen (you have to wait a bit at startup...), and if you have an USB pad, it is fully supported. Shows speed, WarpUp and Warp3D compatibility.
    Get QuakeGL:
    Best, IMHO, is BlitzQuake. Supports also the lits file for better lighting, you should find in Aminet IIRC.

    Download TVPaint and Cinema4D to show 68k compatibility and speed of Trance...

    Well, whatever comes to your mind, really. The Efika is just a toy compared to the Peg, but a nice and funny toy...

    Kind regards,
  • »21.07.08 - 22:59
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA

    Fab wrote:
    What do you mean with mplayer or vlc?
    They don't start at all?
    If it's just a slowness issue, it's caused by the missing audio driver. In that case, until it's available add -nosound parameter to mplayer commandline/config.

    About mame, it also works on efika, but given its cpu & memory requirements, it won't be really useful.

    On my setup vlc plays, but unviewable with diagonal lines, mplayer plays the intro, like 5 frames and stops.

    mame may be a version issue, but it complains about a missing library eventhough i installed it/ not sure of the lib right now. to be honest i really wanted mame to work! there was also a thread elsewhere about setting audio settings on mplayer.
  • »21.07.08 - 23:57
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    Ok, so you really need to add this ao=null to conf/config (or -ao null in command line), else it won't play further due to some weird filesave audio mode being chosen instead.

    About mame, it will run, but nowadays mame is really very cpu hungry, and i don't think you can run anything fullspeed, even amongst older games. You could maybe give a try to gngeo (neogeo emulator) which may behave fine on efika.
  • »22.07.08 - 01:45
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