• Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany
    It should not be forgotten that the X Window System is nothing but a networked GUI protocol. Having such a thing is an advantage in many ways (allows to run apps on one computer and display the GUI on another). Also, XDMCP can be used to log in to other computers. If supported on Amiga-like OSes, it would allow to log in remotely to or from an Amiga-like system.

    X is more like 'graphics.library' and 'layers.library', with some elements from 'intuition.library'. It does not really prescribe the look and feel of applications. X can be used to seamlessly integrate into the host environment. I.e. using native window decorations (window frames) and gadgets. On Windows, there's an X server called Xceed that excels in this.

    Although it's possible to use a separate screen for X, it's by no means necessary. Applications could blend seamlessly into Workbench or Ambient.

    GTK builds upon X, and is itself like 'intuition.library' combined with 'gadtools.library', and a bit MUI or ReAction thrown in perhaps. GTK has its own widget set (i.e. look and feel), but if it would use the default X 'gadgets', these could be passed through to the underlying UI layer (Workbench or Ambient).

    A combined port of X, XDMCP and GTK would be best, I think.

    [ Edited by voyager2007 on 2008/7/19 2:10 ]
  • »19.07.08 - 02:03