The MorphOS 2.0 Live Install Thread
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Well what a nice surprise, I woke up this morning and hey, MorphOS 2.0 has been released :)
    To celebrate this (and perhaps give some usefull informations) I thought I open this Thread and make it kind of a "MorphOS 2.0 Installation blog"
    Unfortunatelly I have to go to "work" now, so my first entry will be rather short, but I will be back home at about 14.00 (I am located in Germany) so come back and read it if you like ;)
    Oh and forgive me if there are any mistakes, I am not a native english speaker ;)

    So here is the first entry:

    Woke up and checked morphzone, immediatelly started to download MorphOS 2.0.
    It is about 130 MB for the Pegasos Version (Efika Image is said to be about 11 MB and will Netinstall the needed files)

    Burned it and booted the Peg. (Keep fingers crossed)

    Here we go, My peg is running MorphOS 2.0 :)
    No Problems in Booting and there is kind of a boot information text, screenmode seems to be a bit high, however correctly detected.

    There is a nice "Welcome Box" with an Image made by Christian "Tokai" Rosentreter.
    You have three options here, read the readme, Install MorphOS and Explore the MorphOS CD.

    Clicking on Install opens a nice Installation Tool called Iwizard. Wow, very nice, however I have no time to install it now, so I quit it for the moment.

    Exploring the CD opens the Boot CD, since I have no Time for the moment I just have a short look into the Applications drawer.
    Hey new Version of Showgirls (V1.0)
    And whats this? Sketch? Ah a gfx prog from Pawel "Stefkos" Stefanski.
    Elements is somthing for you chemists out there

    Dammed, 7.00 o`clock, I will be late.

    So stay tuned, will be back soon ;)

    Arrived at work (pheew just in time ;) )
    Since i don`t have my peg with me, there won`t be anything new from me right now, however Sennex from Amiga News has made some screengrabs, so for all you screenshotlovers have a look into his Album

    I planned to make some screenshots myself, however he was faster ;)
    So enjoy the beauty of MorphOS V 2.0

    Still an hour left until I may leave work.
    I am so impatient! ;)

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2008/7/1 10:23 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 05:17
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Finally at home.
    Some preparations have to be made first:

    Coffee checked
    Tobaco and Papers checked
    "S??es St?ckle" checked

    Hmm seems I am ready to go ;)

    I played again a bit with it...

    "colors, so many colors" ;)

    No really there is a lot new stuff there, even the good old commodities drawer is back ;) (with exchange and a reincarnation of no caps lock, just with a bit more options). BTW exchange, anyone noticed that we have now a bugreport facility? go check yourself ;)

    However, I was able to crash it allready *g* I played with the screenmode settings and all I got was a grey screen with titlebar. Have to investigate that later, I finally want to get that baby on my hardrive.
    Unfortunatelly I don`t have a free Partition for that.

    Well then... Next Task:
    Backup the System Partition, try SFS Resize (hope that will still work with MorphOS V2) and keep fingers crossed that everything will be fine.

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2008/7/1 13:08 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 11:24
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles

    I'm typing this in Sputnik right now in MorphOS2.0 on my peg2 :)

    Its going great. Very nice installer and a lot of pro touches all around. I think I may do a review soon.

    New Sputnik works gr8t and networking AUTO CONFIGURED to my LAN! YAY

    Only thing is I cant log into ebay with Sputnik. All other sites work nice, great support.

    Its exciting.
    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »01.07.08 - 12:03
    Profile Visit Website
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    I have installed it over MOS 1.4.5 last night.
    Had to reinstall Arexx, had to copy back my old user-startup.
    And ExecMonitor can't finde his skins, also weatherNG can't.
    I will install it later from scratch.
    And in Ibrowse 2.4 i have the textfield where i typed this text black, how do i can change that? tried every mui-setting without success.

    [ Edited by ThePlayer on 2008/7/1 13:23 ]
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »01.07.08 - 12:22
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    "Thats one small step for a men,one giant leap for mankind"
    Say good bye to MorphOS V1.4.5
    and welcome MorphOS V2

    My first Post with Sputnik on V2 ;)

    Can you say fast? (Not me, but MorphOS ;) )
    I installed (and documented) it and did a reboot into the fresh installed System and what can I say, it took aprox. 10 seconds from the point where I entered the bootcomand
    into the System. Well... If you ask me the whole effort of coding a boot picture was a waste of time ;)
    No really you can hardly see that, If you want to fully enjoy that, you have to
    insert a wait command into you Startup Sequence ;)

    But not only booting is fast, the system overall is a lot faster.
    I don`t know if it was my heavily modified MorphOS 1.4.5 Installation alone,
    however compared to V2 it is a dammed slow slug ;) (But then it still was very fast;) )

    Well,next in this Theather will be the documented Installation Process, so stay tuned and come back ;)
  • »01.07.08 - 13:59
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Well I *had* to play arround a bit with MorphOS before I continue here ;)
    However, as promissed, here is the Install Process (even with Pictures ;):

    Step one
    From the "Bienvenue" Tool you can launch the "Iwizard" Installations tool.
    (If you have closed it by mistake you will find it in the Tools drawer of
    your MorphOS CD)
    This welcome Screen shows some usefull Informations, for example that it is not
    recommended to perform an upgrade over an existing MorphOS 1.4 Installation.
    I can second that, If I think about how modified my System allready was,
    it was wise to make a fresh install. Oh, and keep that mentiond hint in mind ;)

    Step two,language
    change your locale settings, should be easy.

    Step two,timezone
    before you continue, you might want to change your timezone as well.

    If you hit the next Button, Iwizard will restart itself and from now on,you have you choosen language
    (Thus all the messages are in german from now on)

    Oh, dammed, I just answered a PM here and tada, another MorphOS
    well.. stay tuned :)

    Well, to get this "guide" done without repeating MorphOS Timeout requester, I have decided to switch back to V 1.4.5 (I will explain later how you can configure your bootmenu to have easily V 1 and V2 booted)

    Step three
    This is the well known screenmode tool from CGX.
    What I found rather strange is that Ambient was defined in 640x480 (not in my screenshot, was made after I configured it), however the screen res was 1600x1200 (the max possible resolution on my poor 17 Zoll CRT)
    Anyway, that resolution was much to high for my taste, so I simply choose a lower resolution.
    As I mentioned earlier, I was able to crash the System here, so be careful (dunno how that happend, this time everything went fine)
    If you aren`t as Impatient as I was, you can also define additional Screens, on my 1.4.5 Setup I have several defined Screenmodes for various Applications.

    Step four
    Nice hu? Well nothing groundbraking, simply set your time here.

    Step five
    configure your Keyboard Settings here, should be clear, Interesting might be the switch on the right, If you enable it, all your Freetype Fonts without embedded codepage will be loaded with your keyboards codepage.

    step six part one
    The usual config stuff for your Mouse.
    Decide if you want your Pointer to disappear for certain actions, and for all you lefthanders out there still using a ps2 mouse, you can also change your mousbuttons (USB Mouse Lefthanders might want to configure that within Poseidon)

    Step six part two
    Tadaaaaa new eyecandy ;)
    Select your prefered pointer theme here.

    Step seven part one

    Wooohooo, this is what we all really waited for, right?
    The time where we had to explain why our favourite OS has no TCP Stack, is finally over: Ladies and Gentlemans, I proudly present you Netstack (or rather its configuration window)!

    On the first page, simply select your network interface and decide whether you want it to use with a static or a dynamic IP.

    Step seven part two

    On the second page you should configure your machines host name and please don`t forget to add a valid dns server if you are using a router (That said, does anyone know whether Netstack supports DSL via PPPoE? Not that I care much, I am happy with my router, just curious)

    Step eight
    We are almost there now.
    Here you find the allnew Partition Tool. Noticed how it even detected my fat32 formated USB Stick? Nice ;)
    (And yes I like to partiton my harddisk ;) )

    As sfs resize didn`t fully work for me (for whatever reason, it decided that i just can resize the partiton down to 700 something mb although just 400 something where used. And yes, i did defrag before)
    I decided to split my 1 GB bootpartition in 2 smaller ones. I selected the former bootpartiton, here I was able to set it to a smaller size, selected the new empty partition selected sfs, and done.
    Please note, this is the point where you *will* destroy your previous partition and all your data. I did a backup before, please do the same!
    Oh and don`t forget to make it bootable!

    Step nine

    Phew, we are finally there, select the device where you want to install MorphOS V2.

    Remember the hint from the welcome screen? Instead of pointing your Source to your cd you can point it to your allready downloaded Isofile (and this way be sure that everything will be copied, last time I had to install a windows machine i found out that one single file was not copied due the cd beeing scratched....) and even better you can also download your installation image (might be handy for the efika, since I had the Iso allready and I didn`t want to cause more traffic, I didn`t try that feature)

    Step ten
    Yeeeeehaaw we`re through ;) If everything went right, you should see that nice "done" Picture :)

    After the Installation
    Well if you like me, are using a bootmenu script for the Openfirmware (not that obscure stuff mentioned in the MorphOS Faq, but the script many people are using made with of bootcreator) *and* a seperate boot partiton you might want to change some bits here and there before you reboot, parts are important anyway if you want to dualboot.
    First reopen the HDconfig tool and select your MorphOS V2
    Bootpartiton. Now set the bootpriority lower than of your MorphOS V1.4 partition. This is neccesary since the V1.4 bootimage of course can`t boot MorphOS V2 (and probably vice versa) As you can specify a bootdevice parameter for V2 which overrides the bootpri, you will have allways the right bootpartiton with the correct bootimage. (I don`t remember whether V1 had that parameter allready)

    If you want to use your small bootpartition you should now copy your v2 boot image (found in your new morphos partiton) to your boot partiton, please don`t forget to rename it first.

    Now open your bootmenu with a texteditor (btw MorphOS V2 has one in the Utilities drawer) and add a new entry, simply have a look on the old one for MorphOS V1 (don`t forget that two entries are neccesary)
    now adapt the right paths and for morphos v2 add the parameter "bootdevice=shdxx" where shdxx stands for your MorphOS V2 Partition.

    This is how it looks for me
    ---snip---entry one

    ." Boot Menu" cr
    ." " cr
    ." 1: Local HD -> Morphos 1.4.5 " cr
    ." 2: Local HD -> Morphos 2.0 " cr

    ---snip--- entry two

    1 of " ide:0 boot-v1.img ramdebug " endof
    2 of " ide:0 boot-v2.img ramdebug bootdevice=SHD4" endof

    Well if that is done do as I did, reboot the damm thing and Enjoy MorphOS V 2.0
    (at least as long as the timeout requester appears, it isn`t much fun then ;)

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2008/7/2 18:39 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 15:17
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Unbeliveable ;) It took my an hour to write down that stuff (and include the pictures and so on)
    I hope you had a good read so far, and the time was not wasted. (again, forgive the mistakes, I am really tired now, not from MorphOS, but from the weather outside, almost 30?C. Which makes me wonder how freaky I am, sitting in front of a computer instead going outside ;) )

    I will add some stuff here, so keep reading it ;)

    Well, still exploring here (and have something for dinner)
    and found some nice stuff for all you guys also using linux on
    your peg:
    Have a look into the contributions/Filesystempack drawer
    Execute both install scripts and then open the mounter tool (sys:tools)
    Now you can easily activate your ext2/3 SGI or if you have, ntfs partition.
    very cool and very easy.

    I know, the Devs will hate me for that ;) (IIRC they don`t like comparisons like
    "Uh that looks just like OS xyz") however, /me thinks that the new Preferences
    Window looks very OS X like ;)
    But I like it, looks very polished.

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2008/7/1 20:11 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 17:45
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 900 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Enjoying MorphOS 2.0 as well...but can't get 1.4.5 booting on dual boot. Script works fine, but 1.4.5 stops booting after loading Quark (OF stays visible).

    Both 1.4.5 img's are on a special boot partition, Morphos 2.0 partition boot pri = 1, MorphOS 1.4.5 partition boot pri = 0. MorphOS 2.0 boots fine with the bootdevice command.

    Any suggestions?
  • »01.07.08 - 19:27
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Well, as I mentioned, in that case the morphOS V2 Partition has to have the lower bootpri.
    Change the Value of the 1.4.5 partition to something above 1 (as your Mos V2 Partiton has)
    and it should work.

    right before the next timeout, I added the 3d bootparameter to the script.
    Well what can I say, although no 3D Switcher is yet available, it nevertheless brings additional
    eyecandy to your System ;)
  • »01.07.08 - 19:40
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 900 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Ehm, whoops, typo: did ofcourse set the 1.4.5 partition boot pri higher than the MorphOS 2.0 partition.

    Other suggestions?

    [ Edited by Stevo on 2008/7/1 20:47 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 19:46
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 900 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    K, fixed with a little help from my friends, so nvm :)
  • »01.07.08 - 20:31
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    @bladerunner.. some of your links are borken.

    btw, just in case... you still can use old preference mode if you like... just go to the Preferences/ Settings menu to switch mode.
  • »02.07.08 - 17:09
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Fixed them, thanks :)

    Regarding the Prefs, I like them as they are, however it is good to know :)

    No News today I am afraid, RL has once again Priority unfortunatelly ;)
  • »02.07.08 - 17:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Thanks to Q-Box (No really they named that Tip of the day tool really Q(uestion)Box ;) )
    I found a nice Ambient Feature.
    On a opend Window, press ctrl and scroll with your mousewheel.
    That is the result

    normal Icon Size
    small Icon Size
    huge Icon Size

    Icon resize on the fly, is nice isn`t it? ;)
  • »04.07.08 - 12:12