Samba Problems workaround with OpenWRT+NFSD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
    Hello dudes.
    I thought i should share the workaround my samba problems, which i use know.

    As i read, many people have the same problems with samba like me.
    It always freezes the machine, if you do use it heavily,
    no matter which tcp/ip stack.
    This happens on the A4K and on the Pegasos
    Also always got alot of problems with renaming and deleting files.

    I now build myself a workarround for this.
    This will not work for everybody as u need a router that is able to run openwrt.
    Ofcourse a linux box willl do it to but that is a bit senseless.
    But you should have a bit linux knowledge or time to figure out :)

    First check if your router is supported.
    If so, install openwrt on it.

    Then install the packages kmod-fs-nfs and samba-server
    for example with ipkg install or the webinterface

    Configure the samba server on the the router.
    Edit the smb.conf as usuall

    Set up a mountingpoint for your pegasos, eg. /mnt/pegasos

    As next install NFSD to your amiga/pegasosbox
    This will NOT work with mosnet, as portmap doesnt work on it.

    If you did this and configurated this, you will be able to nfs mount the pegasos on your router under /mnt/pegasos

    Now you should be able to browse the smb shares on your wrt and browse through them to your pegasos machine.
    With this you are able to access your pegasos on windows machine with smb, without setting up another machine/wrapper.

    Since doing this, my pegasos didnt freeze anymore doing fileaccess.
    I still sometimes get problems with locked files but its nothing compared to the samba problems i hade before.

    In other word, the router acts as a smb->nfs wrapper
  • »08.01.08 - 16:43
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