First steps of compiling with MorphOS SDK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 381 from 2004/9/7

    I don't know a lot of C++ programming, but I want to give a try and port some simple SDL sources to MorphOS, just to see how it works with compiling.

    After installing MorphOS SDK from MDC, I installed also the PowerSDL_SDK files into "GG:usr/" and TinyGL_SDK as the readme file says (include drawer in "os-include" drawer and libs drawer in "ppc-morphos" drawer). I also installed the libnix update file found on MDC.

    I am not really sure if this is ok to start compiling, so I decided to download a ready-compiled little game for MorphOS from Aminet. The file has its source code inside with the "makefile" and "makefile.morphos" files.

    According to that, this "makefile.morphos" file means that when I type from CLI "make" then I will have an executable file or not? Because it brings me with some error.

    If you have any ideas to help me, I will appreciate it very much really. Also I want to ensure if I copied the files from PowerSDL_SDK and TinyGL_SDK into the correct paths (drawers).

    P.S.: A big thanks to Fab for helping me until now.
  • »11.11.07 - 20:05
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    if you want to compile with makefile.morphos you must tell make this:

    make -f makefile.morphos

    or rename makefile.morphos to just Makefile then make will find it per default.

    And if you're a beginner.. start with (and stay with) C and not C++. It will safe you a lot dead brain cells in the end. ;)

  • »11.11.07 - 20:36
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 381 from 2004/9/7
    Sorry I forgot to mention that I already did this, tokai. I just renamed the morphos file into Makefile so it will be recognizable from "make".

    I copy also PowerSDL and TinyGL SDK files into GG:ppc-morphos directory. Some projects worked with that.
  • »12.11.07 - 11:12