Big disk support
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 243 from 2003/4/5

    Now 500 Go and 1 To harddisk are common. But are these capacities supported by MorphOS ? A partition of 1 To is possible ?
    Obligement - L'Amiga au maximum
  • »31.07.07 - 15:59
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    Now 500 Go and 1 To harddisk are common. But are these capacities supported by MorphOS ? A partition of 1 To is possible ?

    Yes, there's no problem using such HDs with MorphOS, however you can't have partitions that large (f.ex. PFS is limited to 104GB IIRC .. SFS and FFS2 might be able to have larger ones if you use fairly big blocksizes though)...

    - CISC
  • »31.07.07 - 16:15
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 328 from 2003/5/19
    Is this really true for 1.4.5? I haven't been able to create or access
    partitions beyond 256GB from MorphOS. I'm suspicious that this has
    something to do with cylinders no longer fitting in a signed 16-bit
    integer, but maybe it's a coincidence. :-)
  • »31.07.07 - 18:06
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    At some point there was partition size table in SFS changelog:

    The current partition size limits of SFS are:
    64 GB with 512 bytes/block
    128 GB with 1024 bytes/block
    256 GB with 2048 bytes/block
    512 GB with 4096 bytes/block
    1 TB with 8192 bytes/block
    2 TB with 16384 and 32768 bytes/block

    It's also said, that unless you need very big partition, the best values for block size are 512-2048 for speed/space effciency.

    I recently bought 320GB WD3200JB drive for my Pegasos1 and partitioned it with partitions under 128GB each, just to be sure they're not too big. I used 1024 bytes blocksizes for most partitions and 2048 for biggest (which also has big files only).

    First I partitioned all space I saw with SCSIConfig. Then I started to install Debian and noticed that Linux partitioner shows more free space than I was expecting. I found that SCSIConfig has a limit with detecting the disk size. Then I used SCSIConfig to change drive geometry to values what Linux said and got all the space available to MorphOS side too. It has worked so far, but maybe somebody with more expertise could tell if it is safe :)

    I have pretty many partitions now. Partly because I found that extra space and partly because I didn't want too big partitions either :)

    Here's mounted partitions in MOS, you can calculate the overall space and add couple of gigs for linux/bootimages partitions ;)

    dh0: 616.0M 203.4M 412.5M 33% 0 read/write SFS Boot
    dh1: 2.0G 664.1M 1.3G 33% 0 read/write SFS Utils
    dh2: 1015.9M 704.3M 311.6M 69% 0 read/write SFS Temp
    dh3: 20.0G 13.9G 6.1G 69% 0 read/write SFS Fun
    dh4: 100.0G 75.5G 24.5G 75% 0 read/write SFS Store
    dh5: 120.0G 117.3G 2.7G 98% 0 read/write SFS Movies
    dh6: 7.9G 4.9G 3.0G 62% 0 read/write SFS Work
    dh7: 964.6M 106.6M 858.0M 11% 0 read/write PFS3 TestLab
    dh8: 37.9G 27.3G 10.6G 72% 0 read/write PFS3 Store2

    Edit: and I have MOS 1.4.5...

    [ Edited by jPV on 2007/8/2 12:32 ]

    [ Edited by jPV on 2007/8/2 17:56 ]
  • »02.08.07 - 11:31
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

    jPV wrote:
    At some point there was partition size table in SFS changelog:

    The current partition size limits of SFS are:
    64 GB with 512 bytes/block
    128 GB with 1024 bytes/block
    256 GB with 2048 bytes/block
    512 GB with 4096 bytes/block
    1 TB with 8192 bytes/block
    2 TB with 16384 and 32768 bytes/block

    [ Edited by jPV on 2007/8/2 12:32 ]

    Can somebody approve if this is valid for MOS SFS and works for him?

    I really could need this for a few partitions. At the moment i split up all partition to 127 GB but i rather do this than lose data.

    If i remeber right, SFSDoctor also complained about a partition that was >127GB

    [ Edited by dIGIMAN on 2007/8/2 16:18 ]
  • »02.08.07 - 16:09
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    Whooops... luckily I kept them under 128GB anyway :)

    1.254 (4.3.2006)
    - The limits mentioned in the 1.245 notes were wrong, sorry. The actual
    partition size limit of SFS 1.x is 128 GB, no matter which blocksize
    you are using. Changed the checks to the actual limits. You can
    continue to use too large partitions, but you may get "disk full"
    errors (instead of a trashed partition) even if there is still free
    space on the partition.

    [ Edited by jPV on 2007/8/2 17:50 ]
  • »02.08.07 - 16:50
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

    jPV wrote:

    1.254 (4.3.2006)
    The actual
    partition size limit of SFS 1.x is 128 GB, no matter which blocksize
    you are using.

    Ok, good to know!
    Would be cool to know, if this changed under MOS 2.0, this would save me from lots of useless copy work, if i b4, wink wink :)
  • »02.08.07 - 17:23
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 328 from 2003/5/19
    I couldn't hack the space >256GB to work here with SCSIConfig. It
    complains that StartCyl or End Cyl doesn't fit in the cylinder count.
  • »02.08.07 - 22:43
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 221 from 2003/4/20
    I also limited my largest partition size to just under 128 GB with 1 KB block size.

    Will I be able to move and resize partitions in the next MorphOS release?
  • »03.08.07 - 07:23