AmiTradeCenter hangs when using ANY drive other than RAM:
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France

    I have just run across a very weird problem concerning AmiTradeCenter
    When downloading (or uploading) any file, and the local drive is not
    RAM: (I've tried ALL local drives, FFS and SFS formatted) ATC just
    hangs after transfering like 50 kB or something.

    This happens but when the remote computer is in the local net as in
    the internet.

    Any ideas why and/or workarounds? I need to backup 8 Gb of pictures,
    and having to do it by "batches" (copy to RAM:, then transfer, erase,
    start all over again) is going to drive me nuts.

  • »20.05.07 - 00:33
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    I have just run across a very weird problem concerning AmiTradeCenter

    Is that the newest version of the program?

    Becouse many people reported that the newest version had some problems, including being way more unstabile, I never bothered updating to it.
  • »20.05.07 - 10:17
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 363 from 2003/7/11
    From: Milan-Italy
    i got in the past that kind of problem with ATC and MOS for PowerUP.

    I've fixed it renaming the "PROGDIR:Libs/e-utils.library.elf" to "e-utils.library".

    The other one (the 68K) to e-utils.library_68K.
  • »20.05.07 - 12:24
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    @Framiga: It seems that the problem is not the same here, I've tried
    renaming both files and nothing changes.

    @Jupp: Could you please check which version you are using?
  • »21.05.07 - 17:40
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