!!! Extended parallel.device API proposal !!!
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow

    I am developing a parallel.device replacement with extended set of
    features and support for modern hardware. Since looks like i'm the
    only one who made it, i'd like to propose my API as a new standard for
    Amiga family of operating systems.

    The project's primary goal is to enable complete usage of a parallel
    port on Amiga family systems for wide range of devices like scanners,
    external drives, homemade electronics, JTAG adapters, EPROM
    programmers, etc.

    The proposed hardware targets which can use the new standard are:
    - AmigaOne, Pegasos and other next-generation PowerPC systems.
    - Systems running AROS (x86 hardware and possibly others).
    - I/O expansion boards for classic Amiga (Hypercom, VarIO, etc).

    The current autodoc can be found at:

    The complete 1284parallel.device source tree is here:

    This api is based on libieee1284 (http://cyberelk.net/tim/software/libieee1284/).
    I chose this in order to simplify drivers and software porting.

    Currently only the most needed part of the specification is
    developed. A final set of features will include:
    - support for EPP and ECP modes.
    - complete libieee1284 API.
    - support for PCI add-on I/O cards.

    The device currently works, it's tested for output to the printer and
    also extended commands are tested using supplied testcases. It
    currently builds for MorphOS, i am also going to make an AROS port.

    Everyone interested is welcome to discuss it. Write to my email, if
    there is enough interest we could create a mailing list of topic in
    some forum.

    This message is posted to several hardware developers, mailing lists
    and Amiga-related forums.
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »01.03.07 - 08:31
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