Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 445 from 2006/11/16
From: The Netherlands
Have no acces yet not yet registered on the server.
Will have to wait till januari before regs are being taken.
Too bad but I already updated the ambient with a newer version which
already has more features.
Stil windows off drives/directory's can't be snapshot on size or
position icon's.
And can't find a way for shortcut for cleaning up icons like on
os3.0(aamiga .)
Or is there a way program to do this?
And is it possibble to use the automatic recognisation of filetypes?
Like .lha .mpeg for starting automatically a dearchiver(voodoo-x) or
Mplayer for mpg/avi etc..
This was called def icons on os3.9??
Well I gotta say I should have upgraded earlier to the pegasos!
Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram