MorphOS / Tracking problems
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
    Hi guys,

    i have 2 problems since switching to MorphOS and not quite sure how to track them down (ramdebuglog?)

    1st problem
    I have a programm, that opens the date.library and doesnt work without it.
    Under MorphOS (On A4K it worked fine), i always failed to start, complaining that it didnt find the library.

    I could find out that it ALWAYS tries to open XXte.library, where X is = 0xFF.
    Gelb provided me a small patch, were all openlib calls with XXte.library get overwritten by date.library.
    That does the trick.

    The question is, shouldnt there be a way, to find out what is overwriting the date.library call with garbde anyway? Cant find something in ramdebuglog.
    Strangely i never had that problem on the a4k/os3.9

    2nd problem
    When using DC Telnet Client, it happens sometimes after a while, the typed keys by me get replaced by trash. I get ans ? etc.

    Restarting the Programm and everything is ok again.
    This doenst happen always but again the question,
    can i find the source of what my be overwriting the keyboad puffer or something?

    Thanks alot for help andvance :)
  • »25.11.06 - 10:55
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    I could find out that it ALWAYS tries to open XXte.library, where X is = 0xFF.
    Gelb provided me a small patch, were all openlib calls with XXte.library get overwritten by date.library.
    That does the trick.

    The question is, shouldnt there be a way, to find out what is overwriting the date.library call with garbde anyway? Cant find something in ramdebuglog.
    Strangely i never had that problem on the a4k/os3.9

    What program is this? It really looks like there is buffer overflow somewhere. Maybe when ran in MorphOS it requires two additional bytes. It could be a bug in MorphOS or bug in program triggered by MorphOS...


    Restarting the Programm and everything is ok again.
    This doenst happen always but again the question,
    can i find the source of what my be overwriting the keyboad puffer or something?

    Is it the same if you quit Trance (with CTRL-C) ?

    [ Edited by itix on 2006/11/25 14:10 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »25.11.06 - 11:08
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
    Ok, not 100% sure, as the dctelnet problem doesnt appear always but it looks like quitting trance is the way to success.

    Is there aproblem quitting trance and starting it again without reboot? Could fix it with a script then.
    Break Trance
    Run Trance

    About the date.library programm,
    it is acid top, an bbs door.

    Talking about bbs, forgot to mention on problem.
    The Mainprogramm off the bbsprogramm call fame,
    as has problems. When trying to lock/open certain files, the path seems to get overwrittin two, causing alot of problems :/

    Cant paste it here, due to garbe, line 4445:

    What do you mean with 2 additional bytes?
    Is it something, that could be fixed easily, even with out source?
    Ok well, that makes it not easy for sure, i guess. :/

    If it just were a certain programm that causes this, and it would be replaceble, it would be easy (if u know which programm)

    Also running acidtop direct after from a morphos1.4.5 cd, keeps it asking for date.library. Mhh

    Thanks for the trance hint! :)

    [ Edited by dIGIMAN on 2006/11/25 18:43 ]
  • »25.11.06 - 11:44
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