New MorphOS user
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 121 from 2005/6/11
    Just became a MorphOS thru MorphOS PowerUP on my Amiga 4000 after using AmigaOS for many years.
    My knowledge about how to use AmigaOS is quite big but now when I've started using MOS I feel like a noob ;)
    So I would like some advice on some things.

    I'm planning to install Ibrowse which I'll use for my browsing and plan to use the install script with installer from Aminet but not sure if it's wise since it may overwrite some PPC Mui stuff..or am I wrong?
    Secondly I'm wondering if there's a good unpacker with a GUI that you guys recommend :)
    MorphOS PowerUP powered Amiga 4000
    Pegasos II G4 1ghz
    Radeon 8500 128mb
    Soundblaster Live 5.1 Digital
    Realtek 2139B 100mbit
  • »09.11.06 - 17:19
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 109 from 2006/9/10
    Hi and welcome!

    I am quite new myself (also Powerup-user), so I am not sure if I am the right one to answer your questions, but anyway...


    My knowledge about how to use AmigaOS is quite big but now when I've started using MOS I feel like a noob ;)

    That's also what I first thought, but after a few days I realized how similar it was. ;)


    I'm planning to install Ibrowse which I'll use for my browsing and plan to use the install script with installer from Aminet but not sure if it's wise since it may overwrite some PPC Mui stuff..or am I wrong?

    There shouldn't be any problems with that since Morphos has a dedicated directory (Mossys:) where all the system files are placed. If IBrowse installs any MUI-classes (e.g. newstring), they will go to sys: and not mossys:
    I had no problems in using the default installer script.
    Btw, you can download an updated newstring beta on the Ibrowse website.


    Secondly I'm wondering if there's a good unpacker with a GUI that you guys recommend :)

    I can recommend Voodoo-X. Make sure to install the xadmaster060.lha (Aminet!) before.
    Btw, are you still using the original MUI and Ambient versions?
  • »09.11.06 - 19:24
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 121 from 2005/6/11

    quadpol wrote:
    Hi and welcome!

    I am quite new myself (also Powerup-user), so I am not sure if I am the right one to answer your questions, but anyway...


    My knowledge about how to use AmigaOS is quite big but now when I've started using MOS I feel like a noob ;)

    That's also what I first thought, but after a few days I realized how similar it was. ;)


    I'm planning to install Ibrowse which I'll use for my browsing and plan to use the install script with installer from Aminet but not sure if it's wise since it may overwrite some PPC Mui stuff..or am I wrong?

    There shouldn't be any problems with that since Morphos has a dedicated directory (Mossys:) where all the system files are placed. If IBrowse installs any MUI-classes (e.g. newstring), they will go to sys: and not mossys:
    I had no problems in using the default installer script.
    Btw, you can download an updated newstring beta on the Ibrowse website.


    Secondly I'm wondering if there's a good unpacker with a GUI that you guys recommend :)

    I can recommend Voodoo-X. Make sure to install the xadmaster060.lha (Aminet!) before.
    Btw, are you still using the original MUI and Ambient versions?

    Thanks for the tips :)

    Haven't installed any other MUI stuff than what comes with MOS PUP
    MorphOS PowerUP powered Amiga 4000
    Pegasos II G4 1ghz
    Radeon 8500 128mb
    Soundblaster Live 5.1 Digital
    Realtek 2139B 100mbit
  • »09.11.06 - 20:02