Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 348 from 2004/8/31
From: Québec - Canada
I would like to present you my latest 'fast port' :
MakeHumanI just copy/past my email on MorphOS ML, I don't want to make much support on this as it compile very well and it's not a major project for me.
So feel free to hack it for better performances

- Yomgui
* Get the binary here:
[617 Ko]
* Get data (needed for the binary, unpack the archive in the same
emplacement than the makehuman binary):
[45 Mo]
* Sources, to compile it I've made a very simple python script, go in
makehuman-0.9.0/ and type "python make.py", you need to have installed
Python, TinyGL sdk, a libpng sdk and a libz sdk (and be able to
compile C++ code

* Blender update to import the exported Wavefront (.obj and .mlt) files, to pout in .blender/scripts/:
[ Edited by Yomgui on 2006/11/9 10:18 ]
And now... next project!