MorphOS and booting: It hates me.
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2006/6/14
    Okay, so I've had a Pegasos II for a few weeks now and I thought I'd ignore Linux for a while and see what MorphOS is like.

    To put it mildly, it hates me. Notably, it refuses to boot - I get the MorphOS & butterfly logo, but it doesn't start from there on.

    Even stranger, it *does* boot from the hard disk if I have a CD in the drive (note: not the MorphOS CD, any random data CD that isn't MOS bootable).

    I'll explain the installation steps:

    1. Brand new 160GB disk, primary master, zeroes over first 10,000 blocks to ensure there is no partition table.
    2. Optimal drive config in SCSIConfig.
    3. Create BI0 partition, 63MB in size, Mount ticked, Boot unticked, FFS, mask of 0xFFFFFFFE.
    3. Create DH0 partition, 52GB in size (the rest will be allocated to Linux). Mount ticked, Boot ticked, SFS, mask of 0xFFFFFFFE.
    4. Format both partitions.
    5. Install, BI0 for MOS kernel, DH0 for system files.

    After that, the install happens, it reboots and when starting:

    boot hd:0 boot.img ramdebug

    From openfirmware, it just displays the MorphOS logo and hangs around forever.

    If I put a data CD in (as I mentioned, not bootable), restart and enter the same boot string, it boots into MorphOS just fine!

    If I boot with:

    boot hd:0 boot.img ramdebug bootdevice DH0

    It still doesn't boot.

    Am I missing something?
  • »09.09.06 - 17:01
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 274 from 2004/2/20
    From: Oslo, Norway
    Are you sure that you have installed MorphOS right? That you have made 1 tiny partition for boot.img and second one for MorphOS system itself?

    When thats done, you should be able to install MorphOS. Make sure that the partitions is formated right.

    etc, boot0 as FFS and system and others as SFS etc.

    To be able to boot from HD:
    1. "setenv boot-file boot.img ramdebug"
    2. "setenv boot-device /pci/ide/disk@0,0:0" <- check for the right HDD unit!
    3. "setenv auto-boot-timeout 3000" <- Auto-boot after 3 seconds
    4. "setenv auto-boot? true"

    Also be sure that your CD and HD is setup is right. Another thing could be a noncompatible GFX card?

    What is your PegasosII specs? Remember that MorphOS 1.4.5 only supports Voodoo 3, 4, 5 and ATI Radeon 7000 upto 9250.

    Also if you have any USB mouse etc installed, it takes a bit longer time to boot, but its not that much.

    I hope that you fix it, as MorphOS is really great :)
  • »09.09.06 - 17:33
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Probably stupid question but are you using 80wire cables?

    Edit: oops, never mind. It was stupid question.

    [ Edited by itix on 2006/9/9 20:13 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »09.09.06 - 17:33
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11
    Try to disable popups in USB prefs, this might very well fix your troubles.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username], where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »09.09.06 - 17:38
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 328 from 2003/5/19
    I don't know why it hates you, maybe you're just living a sinful and depraved life. But probably the reason it boots when a cd is inserted means there are some timing issues. That is, the cd causes something to delay so that something else happens before. And when it happens in the wrong order, the boot process is for some reason halted. In case bigfoot's idea doesn't work, you could try putting some things into mossys:s/startup-sequence to find out where things go wrong. Since it doesn't start properly you could add lines such as:
    echo "Salmon" >>sys:boottest
    Then examine "sys:boottest" and if you find "Salmon" in it you know it has passed that point. But quite possibly the startup-sequence isn't even launched, in which case this won't reveal anything more of course.
  • »09.09.06 - 18:14
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1
    Put 'wait 1' right before 'IPrefs' in your Startup.sequence.
  • »09.09.06 - 18:54
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 274 from 2004/2/20
    From: Oslo, Norway
    Ahh, yes.. thats the problem I guess. Do as klesterjr says.
  • »09.09.06 - 19:27
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2006/6/14
    MorphDelf wrote:

    Are you sure that you have installed MorphOS right? That you have made 1 tiny partition for boot.img and second one for MorphOS system itself?

    Absolutely - as I described in my post, one 63MB FFS filesystem named "BI0" for the boot image (larger just in case I have other boot images in future), one 52GB SFS filesystem (named "DH0") set to bootable.


    When thats done, you should be able to install MorphOS. Make sure that the partitions is formated right.

    etc, boot0 as FFS and system and others as SFS etc.

    Yes, and the hdinstall script executed correctly and installed.


    To be able to boot from HD:
    1. "setenv boot-file boot.img ramdebug"
    2. "setenv boot-device /pci/ide/disk@0,0:0" <- check for the right HDD unit!
    3. "setenv auto-boot-timeout 3000" <- Auto-boot after 3 seconds
    4. "setenv auto-boot? true"

    I'm booting Linux by default on the machine so I have it setup to start yaboot automatically, and am pressing escape and running "boot hd:0 boot.img ramdebug" to start morphos.

    I'll run BootCreator when I get a moment to copy it across (or install MOSNet and a FTP tool).


    Also be sure that your CD and HD is setup is right. Another thing could be a noncompatible GFX card?

    HD is primary master.
    CD is secondary master.


    What is your PegasosII specs? Remember that MorphOS 1.4.5 only supports Voodoo 3, 4, 5 and ATI Radeon 7000 upto 9250.

    Pegasos II (the 1GHz G4 model)
    2GB PC3200 memory
    160GB Seagate Barracuda (I don't trust any other HD manufacturer!)
    Radeon 9250 128-bit edition, 256MB video memory.
    PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse.


    Also if you have any USB mouse etc installed, it takes a bit longer time to boot, but its not that much.

    Both PS/2 :)


    I hope that you fix it, as MorphOS is really great :)

    Well, it is working, but I have to leave a CD in the drive to convince MorphOS to boot off of the hard disk!

    I gather that if I remove the "ramdebug" option, there is some output thrown over the serial port. I'll try that if I can find out where on earth I left my crosswired serial cables... :-D

    [ Edited by nine on 2006/9/9 21:24 ]
  • »09.09.06 - 20:58
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2006/6/14
    klesterjr wrote:

    Put 'wait 1' right before 'IPrefs' in your Startup.sequence.

    Spot on! Well done that man.
    Has anyone worked out why this happens?
  • »09.09.06 - 21:23
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11

    nine wrote:

    klesterjr wrote:
    Put 'wait 1' right before 'IPrefs' in your Startup.sequence.

    Spot on! Well done that man.
    Has anyone worked out why this happens?

    Yeah, and it's usually triggered by (but not caused by) the Poseidon popups, hence my suggestion.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username], where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »10.09.06 - 00:31
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    Pegasos II (the 1GHz G4 model)
    2GB PC3200 memory
    160GB Seagate Barracuda (I don't trust any other HD manufacturer!)
    Radeon 9250 128-bit edition, 256MB video memory.
    PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse.

    i've always been said that MorphOS doesn't handle more than 1,5Gb of RAM (and i had similar issues with 2GB, i got 1Gb now and it works lile a charm)
    remove one of your ram modules.
  • »10.09.06 - 09:26
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2006/6/14


    2GB PC3200 memory

    i've always been said that MorphOS doesn't handle more than 1,5Gb of RAM (and i had similar issues with 2GB, i got 1Gb now and it works lile a charm)
    remove one of your ram modules.

    That's annoying... I'll leave it in unless it makes the system unstable, since it'll get used in Linux.
  • »10.09.06 - 10:29
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    i've always been said that MorphOS doesn't handle more than 1,5Gb of RAM (and i had similar issues with 2GB, i got 1Gb now and it works lile a charm)

    That's not correct though, your issues were probably due to OFW not setting up your two ram modules correctly .. MorphOS itself can handle more than 2GB just fine (it's just that you'll currently lose 0.5GB when doing so)...

    - CISC
  • »10.09.06 - 14:56
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    thanks for correcting me CISC
    well one of the modules was maybe faulty too.
  • »10.09.06 - 15:43
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow
    I remember i've got the same problem once. Also i had some more problems (for example, trying to change some AHI setting caused the machine to crash). All problems were fixed when i've re-copied everything from the MorphOS 1.4.5 CD to the hard drive. I didn't use install script to do it, just copied over critical stuff (Prefs modules, libraries, MUI and BOOPSI classes, C:, etc). After that everything went fine. I suspect some files were corrupted. Don't know what caused this, i realize that i like low-level playing, hacking, replacing MorphOS components with my own ones and doing other pervert things 8-) so i've decided that most probably this corruption was causes by a fault of some my software, probably during developlent. I've just fixed and forgot it.
    However, now may be MorphOS team should look carefully at their installer script, if someone else also has got this problem? I remember my AHI preferences module had another length when i was fixing the crash, different from MorphOS 1.4.5 CD, probably it left from earlier versions due to some weird reason (i haven't touched that part of the system during my experiments).

    P.S. I don't install beta components from their authors (beta MUI and beta AHI). I don't really like "beta" word with two exceptions: either it has a new feature needed by me or it's my own software. 8-)
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »11.09.06 - 06:04
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 168 from 2005/8/25
    From: West of PARIS
    try an another CDROM/CDRW. Some models doesn't like MOS ...
    Keep the Faith !
    VG 5000/A1000/500/500+/600/2000/1200PPC-GREX/1200PPC-ATEO/1200+1230-IVFPUSCSI/CD32/Pegasos 1 April1 G3/Pegasos 2 G4/ Ahtlon/K6-3/various funny machines too :-)
    Maybe one day a G4 AmigaONE when they will be debugged and without April...
  • »11.09.06 - 15:26
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2006/6/14

    CLS2086 wrote:

    try an another CDROM/CDRW. Some models doesn't like MOS ...

    Nope - it's working fine. Putting:

    Wait 1

    Before IPrefs in MOSSYS:S/startup-sequence fixed it all nicely.
  • »14.09.06 - 13:06
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 306 from 2005/3/27
    From: Poland, Zdzies...
    @ nine
    After that, the install happens, it reboots and when starting:

    boot hd:0 boot.img ramdebug

    From openfirmware, it just displays the MorphOS logo and hangs around forever.

    If I put a data CD in (as I mentioned, not bootable), restart and enter the same boot string, it boots into MorphOS just fine!

    The same problem was here. Already solved with "wait 1" put to s-s.
    Before I did the above I've noticed that Pegasos+MOS with such an issue can start without a media in cd-rom drive and without "wait" commend in s-s, but there must be one of two following conditions fulfilled:
    Ambient screen resolution must be set to 640x480 or must be unset at all.
    In the second case Ambient will open its screen in 640x480 by default.
    I've got upon that after deleting file
    sys:Prefs/env-archive/sys/PublicScreen.prefs (ScreenMode stores here its settings).
    After deleting it and restarting Peg it passes boot logo (the blue butterfly) smoothly, but Ambient screen res. degrades to 640x480.
    Mac mini G4@1,5GHz silent upgrade + Xerox Phaser 3140 + EPSON Perfection 1240U
    Commodore C64C + 2 x 1541II + Datasette + SD-Box

    I miss draggable screens... and do you? I know I'm in a minority unfortunately.
  • »28.01.07 - 17:42