MorphDelf wrote:
Are you sure that you have installed MorphOS right? That you have made 1 tiny partition for boot.img and second one for MorphOS system itself?
Absolutely - as I described in my post, one 63MB FFS filesystem named "BI0" for the boot image (larger just in case I have other boot images in future), one 52GB SFS filesystem (named "DH0") set to bootable.
When thats done, you should be able to install MorphOS. Make sure that the partitions is formated right.
etc, boot0 as FFS and system and others as SFS etc.
Yes, and the hdinstall script executed correctly and installed.
To be able to boot from HD:
1. "setenv boot-file boot.img ramdebug"
2. "setenv boot-device /pci/ide/disk@0,0:0" <- check for the right HDD unit!
3. "setenv auto-boot-timeout 3000" <- Auto-boot after 3 seconds
4. "setenv auto-boot? true"
I'm booting Linux by default on the machine so I have it setup to start yaboot automatically, and am pressing escape and running "boot hd:0 boot.img ramdebug" to start morphos.
I'll run BootCreator when I get a moment to copy it across (or install MOSNet and a FTP tool).
Also be sure that your CD and HD is setup is right. Another thing could be a noncompatible GFX card?
HD is primary master.
CD is secondary master.
What is your PegasosII specs? Remember that MorphOS 1.4.5 only supports Voodoo 3, 4, 5 and ATI Radeon 7000 upto 9250.
Pegasos II (the 1GHz G4 model)
2GB PC3200 memory
160GB Seagate Barracuda (I don't trust any other HD manufacturer!)
Radeon 9250 128-bit edition, 256MB video memory.
PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse.
Also if you have any USB mouse etc installed, it takes a bit longer time to boot, but its not that much.
Both PS/2 :)
I hope that you fix it, as MorphOS is really great :)
Well, it is working, but I have to leave a CD in the drive to convince MorphOS to boot off of the hard disk!
I gather that if I remove the "ramdebug" option, there is some output thrown over the serial port. I'll try that if I can find out where on earth I left my crosswired serial cables...

[ Edited by nine on 2006/9/9 21:24 ]