Broken SmbFS volume
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    I've a Dirt issue with SmbFS: ALL files are Broken!

    here some examples:

    New Shell process 9
    Ram Disk:> EasyHex

    00000000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    00000010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    00000030: 00 .
    00000040: 736D696E 20627920 446F7567 6C617320 smin by Douglas
    00000050: 43726F63 6B666F72 642C2069 74207761 Crockford, it wa
    00000060: 73207472 616E736C 61746564 20746F0A s translated to.
    00000070: 23205079 74686F6E 20627920 42617275 # Python by Baru
    00000080: 63682045 76656E2E 20546865 206F7269 ch Even. The ori
    00000090: 67696E61 6C20636F 64652068 61642074 ginal code had t
    000000A0: 68652066 6F6C6C6F 77696E67 20636F70 he following cop
    000000B0: 79726967 68742061 6E640A23 206C6963 yright and.# lic
    000000C0: 656E7365 2E0A230A 23202F2A 206A736D ense..#.# /* jsm
    000000D0: 696E2E63 0A232020 20203230 30332D30 in.c.# 2003-0
    000000E0: 342D3231 0A23200A 2320436F 70797269 4-21.# .# Copyri
    000000F0: 67687420 28632920 32303032 20446F75 ght (c) 2002 Dou
    00000100: 676C6173 2043726F 636B666F 726420 glas Crockford
    Ram Disk:>
    Ram Disk:>
    Ram Disk:> EasyHex ftp:Mulo/

    00000000: 23212F75 73722F62 696E2F70 7974686F #!/usr/bin/pytho
    00000010: 6E0A0A23 20546869 7320636F 64652069 n..# This code i
    00000020: 73206F72 6967696E 616C2066 726F6D20 s original from
    00000030: 6A736D69 6E206279 20446F75 676C6173 jsmin by Douglas
    00000040: 2043726F 636B666F 72642C20 69742077 Crockford, it w
    00000050: 61732074 72616E73 6C617465 6420746F as translated to
    00000060: 0A232050 7974686F 6E206279 20426172 .# Python by Bar
    00000070: 75636820 4576656E 2E205468 65206F72 uch Even. The or
    00000080: 6967696E 616C2063 6F646520 68616420 iginal code had
    00000090: 74686520 666F6C6C 6F77696E 6720636F the following co
    000000A0: 70797269 67687420 616E640A 23206C69 pyright and.# li
    000000B0: 63656E73 652E0A23 0A23202F 2A206A73 cense..#.# /* js
    000000C0: 6D696E2E 630A2320 20202032 3030332D min.c.# 2003-
    000000D0: 30342D32 310A2320 0A232043 6F707972 04-21.# .# Copyr
    000000E0: 69676874 20286329 20323030 3220446F ight (c) 2002 Do
    000000F0: 75676C61 73204372 6F636B66 6F726420 uglas Crockford
    Ram Disk:>


    Any Idea?

    [ Edited by aliem on 2006/8/20 19:00 ]
  • »20.08.06 - 12:19
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    wierd....does this happen on all fileaccess or just with this Easyhex tool ?

    what happends when you copy files from you smbfs mount to local harddisk or ramdisk ?
  • »21.08.06 - 17:30
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    With all files on the mount :(

    I can copy my files only with "cp" but they are corrupted.

    MorphED can open my files but they are corrupted
  • »21.08.06 - 20:59