Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
From: Nella grande r...
In the thread named "Help me! :) ", our talented programmer Tokai asked us for a Pool.
He leave us free to decide for him about what could it be his next job for Pegasos and Morphos.
I hereby feel to propose you all if Tokai could realize for us a long needed GREEEAT PROGRAM:
VoIP (Voice Over IP) phone program.
VoIP is one of the new frontiers of Internet!
Phone a friend or a relative living in another continent or just distant few miles from you spending low cost phone-tariffs or even free of charge (for some local calls)! Yep! And often computer2computer phones are also free of charge

thanks to internet voice transmission protocols.
This is a very apprecciated feature into other OSes.
It is a killer apllication, and sure this VoIP will enanche our position amongst best OSes worldwide.
Along with KHTML Browser which is about to be released, sure VoIP software will enhance enormously our platform.
Let Tokai know your position about VoIP. Post here your thoughts about VoIP.
Let's vote Tokai's pool checking "something else" option!
And specify him that we want VoIP software.
Let's start a bounty to obtain VoIP.
[ Edited by Raf_MegaByte on 2006/6/19 6:19 ]
Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!