Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
Quote:sorry but i've never understood all this "unstability issues" about IB2.3.
How many connections have you set? (Settings>Network>Max Number of connections)
and how much "Max simultaneus downloads?
I'm asking because i've seen grabs of IB around, with an IMHO "insane" numbers of connections.
About the datatypes decodings....no way for a lot of reasons

Well, i also read sevral diffrent statements about ibrowse.
Some say its stable as rock, some say it crashes after a few mins.
Also read here that people have diffrent experiences.
Acill also once wrote here that he tried the orginal 2.3 demo archive and it runs unstable.
I can say it just doesnt matter how much max connections i set up.
It looks like that certain sites break ibrowse faster, for example pegasosforum.de
Guess its all the little small icons on the top.
btw its always the ibrowsenetwork task that gets suspended/runs out of stack.
Oh yeah, ofcourse i tried raising it :)
This even happens when i boot from the 1.4.5 MOS CD, so it must be some kind of setting or software addition, that prevents it from crashing on certain machines