Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 265 from 2005/8/25
Before reading Jupp3's post about MLDonkey in the"torrent for MOS" thread, i had the same problems that he describes:
Well, the newest version seemed to get "stuck" for me (No signs of life from f.ex. telnet interface) but can be quit with ctrl-c. The problem is you don't know when it will get stuck, and when it does, it obviously doesn't do anything. I downgraded to older version. Some people say that changing task priority to higher might help.
Now, i have raised the task priority to 2 and for the first time ever, i managed to download an mp3 file!!

It still freezes relatively often, though (d*mn!)

but less often than before. When it does, the browser doesn't react in any of the MLD GUI's options. It just idles.
The reason that i opened this thread is that i can't connect to the gnutella and gnutella2 networks, although i have set the enable_gnutella and enable_gnutella2 variables to TRUE.
I haven't touch the setings in the gnutella.ini and gnutella2.ini files as i don't really understand them and thus i don't feel confident to change them.
The "connected servers" option reports:
--- Connected to 4 servers on the Donkey network ---
[Donkey 17] www.UseNeXT.to
Users:73915 Files:13661610 State:Connected
[Donkey 18] ChezToff 2 (Serveur Fr)
Users:49193 Files:7370294 State:Connected
[Donkey 117] www.SofortDownloads.de #11
Users:8534 Files:1428689 State:Connected
[Donkey 149] SuckSmutGremlins
Users:29268 Files:346744 State:Connected
--- Connected to 0 servers on the G2 network ---
--- Connected to 0 servers on the Gnutella network ---
The "cient stats" option reports:
Uptime: 0 days, 00h:05m (= 337 seconds)
Successful Connections: 11
eDonkey: 0 ( 0.0 %)
old mldonkey: 0 ( 0.0 %)
new mldonkey: 0 ( 0.0 %)
Overnet: 5 ( 45.5 %)
eMule: 6 ( 54.5 %)
server: 0 ( 0.0 %)
trusted mld: 0 ( 0.0 %)
cDonkey: 0 ( 0.0 %)
xMule: 0 ( 0.0 %)
shareaza: 0 ( 0.0 %)
aMule: 0 ( 0.0 %)
lPhant: 0 ( 0.0 %)
ePlus: 0 ( 0.0 %)
Hydra: 0 ( 0.0 %)
FastTrack doesn't work either as you probably know, but never mind about that as it is covered by AmiGift. (From what i read in the .guide, i haven't try it yet)
I have a simple dial-up connection without any firewalls. If someone has a suggestion about what settings i should change in the downloads.ini and gnutella[2].ini files to make these networks operational, pleast post it.
Advices on how to optimise MLD for a dialup connection and a 603 CPU (MLD seems to hog all of my CPU after a while) are also very welcome. Thank you.
[ Edited by AmigaMancer on 2006/5/8 0:58 ]
Amiga 1200 user.