Usage of gg:usr
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 94 from 2006/3/27
    Does anyone use the gg:usr drawer? What files have been put there and into which directory?
  • »02.05.06 - 08:54
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...
    GG:usr/include for example is the place for includes to third party system components. For example Reggae and TTEngine install their includes there.
  • »02.05.06 - 09:04
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 507 from 2003/6/14
    In my case, also:
    gg:usr/bin for svn, sdl-config, freetype-config...
    gg:usr/lib/ for extra lib#?.a

    It could also be usefull to store extra man pages and more.

    Please note some people prefer to move all additional files into gg:usr/local/bin, lib, include...
  • »02.05.06 - 09:19
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 94 from 2006/3/27

    Krashan wrote:
    GG:usr/include for example is the place for includes to third party system components. For example Reggae and TTEngine install their includes there.

    That can get nasty then :-( IMHO it was unfortunate that gg:usr was advertized as user space. The include directory will cause problems. I am working on a binutils/gcc update and it will (probably) use usr:local as installation prefix. It could continue using gg: as installation place if thats prefered. However, the location for the default includes changes from gg: to usr: because thats an internal GCC expectation for a native compiler. The change to gg: was always cumbersome. Since this clashes with the current gg:usr usage for includes, all headers from there must move. That could be usr:local/include, <prefix>/ppc-morphos/include or usr:local/os-include (through setenv C_INCLUDE_PATH). I hope that change won't cause to much confusion...
  • »03.05.06 - 11:47
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    I don't know if I understood correctly what you mean, but gg:usr is == usr:
    Pegasos PPC
  • »03.05.06 - 15:01
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 94 from 2006/3/27

    Wishmaster wrote:
    I don't know if I understood correctly what you mean, but gg:usr is == usr:

    Yes. What I wanted to say is this: the current use if this location will cause problems with a future GCC update. Thats because the default include location changes from gg: to usr: If usr: and gg: are distinct, then you must move gg:include[std] to usr and you can only do that if you move the current contents of gg:usr/include to a different place, eg. $prefix/include (might be usr:local/include or gg:include(!)), $prefix/ppc-morphos/include or $prefix/os-include. For the latter you have to use setenv C_INCLUDE_PATH.
  • »03.05.06 - 15:44