Posts: 441 from 2003/2/25
From: Sweden
Im posting the short text below, so You have something to read while awaiting MorphUP package

Btw, there is now 16 developers commited to Ambient, only 84 to go to 100

$Id: ambient.notes,v 1.692 2006/04/09 15:56:02 kiero Exp $
- debug.c, debug.h, menu.c
ADVANCEDPREFS debug class (tokai)
- str.c, str.h
optimized hctod with nice array and static inline (piru)
- appclass.c, init.c, makefile.objs, mimetype.h, prefs.h, vars.h, prefs_advanced.c,
Advanced.conf support.
+ Supports for now 5 different variable types:
- string (expects string with or w/o quotes)
- bool (expects 1, true or on)
- int (decimal and hexadecimal)
- uint (decimal and hexadecimal
- colour (hex value only)
+ variables can be boottime only or changed on notify event too
See prefs_advanced.c how to add new variables and prefs_advanced.h for usage
- shortcuts.c
"My MorphOS" icon is optional hidable now (tokai)
- mimetype.c
copy/move drag'n'drop operation behavior configurable with option in advanced
prefs (tokai)
- iconviewclass.c
doubleclick on desktop behaviour is now configurable over advanced prefs (tokai)
- distribution/prefs/Advanced.prefs,default
default configuration and documentation for advanced prefs options (tokai)
- makefile
release and install-iso rules modified to take care of default Advanced.conf
- Install
copies Advanced.conf to SYS:Prefs/Ambient if useful (tokai)
- clickpathclass.c cxlistclass.c iconclass.c iconviewclass.c listviewclass.c
prefs_advanced.c prefs_advanced.h shortcuts.c distribution/prefs/Advanced.conf,default
- CxBlackList is gone, function moved to "commodityfilter" option in Advance.conf
- "mymorphosname", temporary option to rename "My MorphOS" until itix has it done the
real way.
- panelgroupclass.c: final fix to panels so that frame size is taken into account
too... argh. (itix)
- listview*.c contextmenu.c
removed dynamic allocations to get deficon path, for less fragmentation.
icons displayed in device list should be the same as in icon mode now.
fixed a zeropage hit when sorting with device column.
enabled context menus in device list (rename disabled for now as it's not really functional).
pressing middle button outside of a lister just disables inline renaming. (fab1)
- windowclass.c
made window_loaduri handle "" paths (device list), which removes yet another zeropage hit with
back toolbar button. (fab1)
- sysinfowinclass.c: removed buffer overflow formatting cache strings. (piru)
- appclass.c, deficon_getpath.c, device_func.c, file_func.c, fonts.c,
iconio.c, iconviewclass.c, listviewclass.c, listviewclass_nlist.c,
movelist.c, shotcuts.c, wbstart.c, iconlib/diskobject.c, private.c:
avoid peeking memory before passed pointer if string is "". (piru)
- file_func.c: optimized is_path_contained(). (piru)
- deficon_getpath.c: fixed deficon_getpath() not to overflow the passed
buffer size. empty DefIcon_Path envvar is considered invalid and is
replaced by ENVARC:sys/ now. (piru)
- iconlib/diskobject.c: fixed getdeficon() not to overflow the passed
buffer size. empty DefIcon_Path envvar is considered invalid and is
replaced by ENVARC:sys/ now. (piru)
- iconviewclass.c fixed MM_Notify_Change NOTIFYTAG_Monitor_Device_Name
'if ( p[ len - 1 ] = ':' ) )' -bug. (piru)
- prefs_advanced.c
+ on-the-fly changeable variables are now reset to default if deactivated
+ fixed memory leak for cleanup
- prefswin_listerclass.c
Fixed underscore handling for mode gadget and added missing online
help strings. (geit)
- prefswin_icondisplayclass.c
Fixed color gadget label to support underscore. (geit)
- colormap.c: made faster & shorter with LoadRGB32(). (piru)
- clickpathclass.c, clickpathbuttonclass.c, clipboard.c, makelinkwinclass.c, wbstart.c:
Replaced strncpy() by stccpy(). (itix)
- wbstartlib.c, soundlib.c:
Replaced Remove() by REMOVE(). (itix)
- appclass.c, devicelistclass.c, listviewclass.c, listviewlistclass.c, navigationclass.c,
recog.c, rexx.c, viewgroupclass.c: replaced strncpy() by stccpy(), removed few dupe
strlen() calls, changed Remove() to REMOVE(). (itix)
Replaced Remove() by REMOVE().
- contextmenu.c
Added "create panel" to panel and panel item context menu. (geit)
- capacity.c: shortened code by removed superfulous strncpy(). (itix)
- fastcopy.c, findver.c, iconio.c, scandir.c, wbstartup.c: optimized threads a little by
removing syncs where not needed. (itix)
- infowinclass.c: fixed braindamaged stccpy() usage. (itix)
- textviewclass.c
fixed unwanted appending of text to view, when file gadget in clickpath was pressed.
- iconclass.c/icondata.h/thumbs.c/deficonpool.c
Smarter deficons support. Saves tons of memory. Faster. (kiero)
Best wishes, Gunne