  • Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/25
    From: Sweden

    As the public web cvs at sourceforge is a bit after for the moment, I post the last days changelog here if anyone have need for it.

    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »06.04.06 - 21:04
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 186 from 2003/10/23
    info for italian people :

    because the cvs isn't update,
    the new italian catalog for the nightly build of ambient dosn't work very much, ill'hope to fix it soon 8-)

    Update :

    from the 8/04/06 daily build the problem is solved :P

    [ Edited by raistlin77it on 2006/4/9 8:53 ]
    I'm nerdy in the extreme
    And whiter than sour cream

    White&Nerdy 2006 Al Yankovic
  • »06.04.06 - 21:25