PowerSDL update
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    MorphUp index file

    From now on PowerSDL updates are distributed via MorphUp and AmiNet. Currently the index file links to AmiNet but in the future there probably are full packages for more convenient updating.

    Changes in SDL libraries are small:

    - enabled AltiVec blitters for HW and SW surfaces (MorphOS 1.5 needed)
    - more fixes to Unicode support
    - faster and better colorkey routines (no custom CGX code anymore)
    - fixed crash in custom SDL_FreeRW() routine (some games didnt work because of it)
    - fixed broken libnix initialization in powersdl_sound.library which could cause random memory trash and other problems
    - powersdl.library bumped to version 11.8
    - powersdl_sound.library bumped to version 1.1
    - included russian locale courtesy of Vinnny.
    - removed C= installer file since it is obsoleted by MorphUp

    Stability should be as good as it was before little buggy 11.6 release.

    [ Edited by itix on 2006/3/23 21:45 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »23.03.06 - 18:44
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
    From: Hungary
    Thanks for the update :-)
  • »23.03.06 - 20:36
    Profile Visit Website
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    Look at the first new feature:


    itix wrote:
    Changes in SDL libraries are small:

    - enabled AltiVec blitters for HW and SW surfaces (MorphOS 1.5 needed)

  • »24.03.06 - 06:58
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    The Good: Fireflies now works again, thanks! :)

    The Bad: MOS1.5 needed for Altivec....ARGH!!! (well said itix! :)

    The Ugly: /me looks in the mirror and it cracks...

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at: www.whiteharegames.co.uk/
  • »24.03.06 - 18:31
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Cool release, this is one of the better libs out for MOS I think since it allows for so many great ports. Its just a shame those of us not in the elite few can try the latest 1.5 feature. I think we will in time some day though. For now just enjoy!

    [ Edited by Acill on 2006/3/24 13:43 ]
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »24.03.06 - 20:40
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    The new version downloaded and installed perfect from morphIP, but where did it p[ut the lha file so I can delete the no longer needed file after it installed? Or does it get deleted on its own?
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
    Powerbook 1.67GHZ
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCIE (Registration #6130)
    A4000T CSPPC, Mediator
    Need Repairs, upgrades or a recap in the USA? Visit my website at http://www.acill.com
  • »01.04.06 - 16:30
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 168 from 2005/8/25
    From: West of PARIS
    " enabled AltiVec blitters for HW and SW surfaces (MorphOS 1.5 needed) "
    the good point are that you know it works and it exists !!!
    Keep the Faith !
    VG 5000/A1000/500/500+/600/2000/1200PPC-GREX/1200PPC-ATEO/1200+1230-IVFPUSCSI/CD32/Pegasos 1 April1 G3/Pegasos 2 G4/ Ahtlon/K6-3/various funny machines too :-)
    Maybe one day a G4 AmigaONE when they will be debugged and without April...
  • »01.04.06 - 19:29