Nostalgi, UAE, +++
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 250 from 2005/1/19
    From: Norway
    I wanted to start this post in the hope of gathering info about Emultors for MorphOS.
    I was hoping to get some help to with my UAE emulator. :-P
    I was having problem getting my UAE emulator to work, because of the massive amount of Values to put after it. :-?
    My first goal is to get "NineFingers", made by Spaceballs in window on my ambient screen 8-)
    So i was hoping you guys could help me by posting some of your strings to start UAE..

    The other thing is that i want to know more about emulators for MorphOS. I have Scummvm, Snes9x, Mame, SmsPlus, GenesisPlus, Frodo, FreeSCI, and UAE off course. :-D
    How many more are there? What kind are there? ETC

    Plz, reply.

    XzIt Of Apathy

    Pegasos 2 G4 1ghz
    512mb RAM
    2x Western Digital
    Radeon 9200 SE 128mb
    Soundblaster Live!
  • »15.02.06 - 20:19
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    HuGo, FbZX, AmiGenerator, Bochs, DOSBox, ASp ... <- Free music
  • »16.02.06 - 03:37
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 250 from 2005/1/19
    From: Norway
    Is Bochs for running Window progs? Could't find a readme on it.
    C'mon People, plz post some replys.
    Someone knows i hope, What about SuperCars2?
    Is that played through UAE?

    X 8-)
  • »17.02.06 - 12:53
    Profile Visit Website
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 106 from 2003/8/24
    From: Albuquerque, NM
    Bochs will run Windows and its programs. Along with about any x86 operationg system, Linux, DOS, BeOS etc. The last I tried to mess with Bochs, I had Windows95 running very slow. I`m shure someone with a faster CPU and a better config file has had better results with it.
  • »17.02.06 - 14:38
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    You can download my UAE configuration files here. You can start the config files like this: e-uae.sdl -f [insertname].uaerc. You'll have to edit the files for your own settings, like path to kickstart and harddrive's. If you're using the latest Ambient it's possible to configure a filetype for *.adf files and start the game's by doubleclicking on the ADF files.

    Other emulators: Hatari, Atari800, BassiliskII, STonAmiga and VisualBoyAdvance.


    [ Edited by Toto on 2006/2/17 17:51 ]
  • »17.02.06 - 15:46
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 381 from 2004/9/7

    My first goal is to get "NineFingers", made by Spaceballs in window on my ambient screen 8-)
    So i was hoping you guys could help me by posting some of your strings to start UAE..

    You can try Lemonade 0.9.8 beta from
    It's like MAME for Amiga games, tools and demos (runs .zip, .dms, .adf etc files and there is much less strings to do for running them). It's really very good piece of software if you a f*#% PC :-P

    Another good site is the Amiga Demo Archive (You can find almost all the demos for Amiga to download).


    The other thing is that i want to know more about emulators for MorphOS. I have Scummvm, Snes9x, Mame, SmsPlus, GenesisPlus, Frodo, FreeSCI, and UAE off course. :-D
    How many more are there? What kind are there? ETC

    Just visit
    for the all and the latest emulators for your MorphOS system
  • »17.02.06 - 16:08