Miami vs MOSNet
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    Has anyone compared the performance of Miami vs MOSNet for simple

    On my computer, Miami seems to be around 20-30% faster for NNTP.

    Another question, is it still possible/worth it to register Miami?

  • »07.01.06 - 05:56
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2004/11/3
    From: near myself
    For me, MOSNet is slightly faster than MiamiDx (FTP-Transfers from PC to Peg --> ca. 3 MB/s)

    And no, it isn't possible to register Miami anymore. The author has retired from Amiga market long ago.
  • »07.01.06 - 07:42
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    Miami and Genesis are said to work faster than MiamiDX.
    So taking DX to compare to is not really the best choice ...
  • »07.01.06 - 09:16
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    I havent done any transfers over my local network from the Pegasos to my Macs but on the internet downloading files MiamiDX is much faster. I get about 40% faster downloads using Miami over MOSnet. As an example I downloaded a podcast using MiamiDX and averaged 150 to 200k/sec but the same file never got above 80k/sec using MOSnet.
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  • »07.01.06 - 12:52
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    ftp transfers are a bit useless for speed testing, it seems.

    for the very same file I need with ftp 116 seconds (3161722 bytes/s), but with smbfs only 58.29s (transfer mac->peg, miamidx). Thats around double speed with smbfs.

    In the other direction ftp is a lot faster... only get 80kb/s with smbfs, but >6000k/s with ATC (peg->mac, miamidx).

    I have no explanaition for this though. ;)

  • »07.01.06 - 16:08
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Registering for Miami or MiamiDX is no longer possible. The point is almost moot, in all honesty. Genesis from H&P would be a better test subject (assuming the Genesis CD is still available as a stand alone product).

    MorphOS portal?
  • »07.01.06 - 17:44
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    You are right Targhan but I could never get Genesis working well. So I have MiamiDX since I paid for it so long ago I use it.

    Its still strange that the new stack is so close to 80/k sec for everyone. I wonder if something in the code is dong that?
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »08.01.06 - 00:45
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