Thanks for your points of View, I don't have Morphos so bare with me.
Yes, my program would mean a single preference program managing multiple programs rather than a seperate preference programs for each preference file that exists.
my reason for this is most of the software I tend to write would allow a user to define certain aspects of the program.
For example UnifiedPrefs came out of my other project XGUIDE which is an XML representation of the AmigaGUIDE format that would allow authors to write XGUIDE documents that could be used in various different loactions and look completely different in each
for example the idiots guide to samba for OS4 the xguide file could sit on the web server for downloading but a PHP script could convert the file into a website, and to update the site the author just uploads the new file to the web server replacing the old one. and it gets rendered.
but when you download the document because its XML you could run a transformation on it (via a preference) to show it as Simple HTML or load it into a 3rd party program that would render it with a menu on the left and content on the right like a windows help file with search, index, etc... , or you could have a transformation that would load it into a PDF Viewer.
as I want to create a Datatype for this format the control of the datatype would be via Unified preference that gives the user the ability to choose, in fact the preference could be set to prompt so that the datatype would ask what you want to view this document under.
though the more I think about it the more I think that a datatype would not be right as it might need to be able to launch a different program than multiview possibly for viewing PDF's.
I currently have a PHP script that will transform the XGUIDE I built that contains all of the information on the samba for idiots website that runs on my amiga of course the xslt template that I am using is ugly as sin

but I'm not concerned about that at the minute. the XGUIDE format will actually be a compressed file that the php script will extract the information from, I just have to figure out how I want the web server to manage this as I don't want to be dearchiving each file in the compression (XML, images, ... whatever file you want)