pSDL and Bochs(2.2) and DosBox(latest)
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 98 from 2004/6/4
    From: Ivanovo, Russia
    I have a rather strange glitch in my compilation of Bochs 2.2 and the latest DosBox. None of the keys with Shift pressed work. It might be that SDL returns scancodes for example for "A" and "a" not same +SDLK_*SHIFT in case of "A" as expected by those programs, but as natural scancodes without qualifier key. Tho I have a multiple "SDL: unknown scancode NN" error in bochs log. :-?

    Does anyone else have the same problem?
    WBR, Vladimir Berezenko
  • »09.11.05 - 10:29
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 108 from 2005/4/3
    From: Netherlands
    Hi all,

    WordPad from Windows98 in Bochs 2.2 accept capital charracters when
    pressing the "shift" key together with "A" gives "A". Pressing "A"
    without "shift" key pressed gives "a". I don't use the SDL library,
    seems to work OK, but not tested. Offcourse, you compiled on your own.
    However, i remember having trouble with some charracters in

    grts, Amigaharry,

    Visit my homepage for classic Amiga and MorphOS proggies written in
  • »10.11.05 - 17:10
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 98 from 2004/6/4
    From: Ivanovo, Russia

    WordPad from Windows98 in Bochs 2.2 accept capital charracters when
    pressing the "shift" key together with "A" gives "A". Pressing "A"
    without "shift" key pressed gives "a". I don't use the SDL library,
    seems to work OK, but not tested. Offcourse, you compiled on your own.
    However, i remember having trouble with some charracters in

    The problem exists only in SDL mode. I've found the problem I think, but I can't fix it now coz my Peg is at home and I am in another city. 8( The problem is in mapping function which calls MapRawKey();
    WBR, Vladimir Berezenko
  • »11.11.05 - 07:08