Amanith library and gcc 3.
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 1 from 2005/9/30
    Hi, i'm Ska of Amanith team.

    Amanith is a crossplatform opensource ansi C++ framework aimed to handle and manipulate vector graphics. Supported platforms are still a good bunch, and we would be very happy to see a Amiga port.
    We have used QMAKE (from Trolltech) as the crossplatform building system. But is not a problem to use other solutions, like Jamfiles.
    They are very similar, so the translation would be very simple to do. A nice guy has got a first try on MorphOS, you can start from his work.
    Amanith examples are Qt based, but we have done also native Win32 versions. Porting these examples is just a matter to open an OpenGL window, i think this is very simple on Amiga.
    If someone could be interested in this topic, please do not fear to contact us at "develop at amanith dot org", we are also on the official irc channel (#amanith on

    Ska^Amanith ( )

    PS: a note on gcc. What about gcc3? That guy nominated in this post has tried a compilation of Amanith, obtaining tons of such errors "sorry, not implemented: 'tree_list' not supported by dump_expr". STL seem also not supported. Is c++ not needed by Amiga community? Are there some experimental new versions not yet officially released but available?
  • »30.09.05 - 14:24
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    PS: a note on gcc. What about gcc3? That guy nominated in this post has tried a compilation of Amanith, obtaining tons of such errors "sorry, not implemented: 'tree_list' not supported by dump_expr". STL seem also not supported. Is c++ not needed by Amiga community?

    STL is supported, but you need to get a fully working cc1plus from this archive (I hope it's still there), also you should copy g++ and libstdc++.a from there (remember to disable/remove GCCRESIDENT envvar!) .. the tree_list/dump_expr problem could be related to that, but if it doesn't go away, try increasing stack (with ixstack tool) on cc1 and/or cc1plus...


    Are there some experimental new versions not yet officially released but available?

    Yes, because we firmly believe the newer version are not yet mature (they still produce wrong code quite alot) enough for general use (yes, I know there are some ppl who disagree with this, but instead of arguing about it, compile GCC3/4 yourself if you feel you *must* have it) .. we still build and check out every new release for improvements, so when we think the time is right, there will be an updated GCC...

    - CISC
  • »30.09.05 - 21:00